This is enough to boil my blood. As I blogged about last week, Aafia Siddiqui is an al Qaeda-linked woman of Pakistani descent who lived in the U.S. for a time and then travelled to Afghanistan where she worked for al Qaeda and upon arrest, tried to kill U.S. military officials at an Afghan jail. So, she is in NYC for charging and her trial for attempted murder of U.S. personnel and now she's playing the sympathy card because she got shot during her murder attempt (why she didn't get a round between her eyes at the time, is beyond me). Anyway, look at how the Pakistani Embassy folks are falling all over her from the Daily Times report:
So, this woman, this al Qaeda operative is so hurt from the shooting that she needs "religiously appropriate food" ??? This is a con game by a treacherous, murderous terrorist. I don't care if she's a woman, a man or a teenager - this terrorist needs the death penalty.
And here we have the representatives of Pakistan throwing this all in the faces of the United States. This woman tried to murder several American military officials in Afghanistan and these Pakistani fools are treating her like some oppressed state abductee.
On the same subject, the NYC judge has granted her medical treatment and from the story here at GEO TV, look at who was waiting for her outside the NYC courtroom:
Like I said, it makes my blood boil.
US authorities have allowed Pakistani diplomats to meet Dr Aafia Siddiqui, the Foreign Ministry said on Sunday.Two diplomats visited Siddiqui over the weekend at a New York detention facility, ministry spokesman Muhammad Sadiq said.
Pakistani state media reported she had requested a copy of the Quran, religiously appropriate food, and assurances of a fair trial.“Pakistan will provide all possible assistance to her,” Sadiq told AP. He said he had no information on whether Siddiqui had ever been in Pakistani custody, while a US embassy spokesman denied that the US held her captive prior to July 17.
So, this woman, this al Qaeda operative is so hurt from the shooting that she needs "religiously appropriate food" ??? This is a con game by a treacherous, murderous terrorist. I don't care if she's a woman, a man or a teenager - this terrorist needs the death penalty.
And here we have the representatives of Pakistan throwing this all in the faces of the United States. This woman tried to murder several American military officials in Afghanistan and these Pakistani fools are treating her like some oppressed state abductee.
On the same subject, the NYC judge has granted her medical treatment and from the story here at GEO TV, look at who was waiting for her outside the NYC courtroom:
Outside court, about 20 protesters held posters including "Stop U.S. Torture, close Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib & Bagram" and accused the United States of secretly detaining Siddiqui.
Like I said, it makes my blood boil.
Pak diplomats visit Dr Aafia
ISLAMABAD: US authorities have allowed Pakistani diplomats to meet Dr Aafia Siddiqui, the Foreign Ministry said on Sunday.Two diplomats visited Siddiqui over the weekend at a New York detention facility, ministry spokesman Muhammad Sadiq said.Pakistani state media reported she had requested a copy of the Quran, religiously appropriate food, and assurances of a fair trial.“Pakistan will provide all possible assistance to her,” Sadiq told AP. He said he had no information on whether Siddiqui had ever been in Pakistani custody, while a US embassy spokesman denied that the US held her captive prior to July 17. Sadiq said Pakistan was seeking information about Siddiqui’s three missing children.According to APP, a diplomat assured Siddiqui that Pakistan would do its best to ensure fair treatment and proper medical care for her. ap
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