Wednesday, December 9, 2020

The Bolsheviks Are Coming! The Bolsheviks Are Coming!


Murphy(AZ) said...

All right, Jon, so who's going to pay for it? Who's going to pay for the buildings, parking lots, teachers, maintenance workers, etc.? Are you going to pass the hat after class? Are you going to soak the tax payers even more? You might want to run that past them, as they seem inclined to defund a lot of stuff these days. Education might be one of them.

If you want a college degree, figure out how you're going to pay for it on your own, or go out and get a REAL job.

Holger Awakens said...

Great points Murph, although a bit too practical for these misfits. Have you noticed liberals and commies never concern themselves with the cost of ANYTHING? It's the grove of money trees out there on the banks of the Potomac - Pelosi just strolls out and picks a few trillion every month or so.

You'd think there would actually be a couple of dozen liberals in this country who just found out they can't meet their mortgage in a couple of months who might take a long hard look at their taxes but I've given up on that idea.

In my state, in order for a politician to WIN office, they HAVE to promise higher taxes. I know, it sounds crazy but if you don't raise taxes, you aren't compassionate, yanno.
