Wednesday, December 16, 2020

How Good Is Your Memory?



Murphy(AZ) said...

Save this picture. It will be interesting to see, say by February 1st, how many of these folks have joined Gropin' Joe's administration, either as cabinet members or ambassadors.

Holger Awakens said...

Exactly Murph,

Since Klobuchar and Warren both bailed on the same day of the primaries to give the spot to Biden and screw Bernie, they are probably a lock for something. Maybe Warren will get Ambassador to India (oh wait, those are different Indians from her people)....LOL


Holger Awakens said...

Oh, forgot - since Buttboy bowed out of the primaries at the same time as Klobuchar and Warren, the reason he already got a spot is because Biden fears the LGBTQ fascists more than the women's movement.
