Thursday, June 6, 2013

The State of Minnesota Sells Its Soul So That Six, yes count em, SIX Homosexual Couples Can Get a Marriage License

The state legislature spent a good part of 2012 debating gay marriage and spent all of 2013 crafting legislation to enact the bill that has become law that gay couples can marry in the state of Minnesota.  In the campaigns for an amendment to the state constitution last year defining marriage as between and man and a woman and the push for the new law this year, tens of millions of dollars were spent on this issue.

So, the dust settled a few weeks ago when the whole thing was signed into law and today the doors opened for all of those gay activists who just HAD to get married under the new liberating law and so at the Hennepin County (Minneapolis) Government Center today they were braced for a throng of gays ...the only problem is SIX couples showed up for marriage licenses.  Yep.  Six.  Twelve people.  I estimate it cost about $5.3 million for each of those marriage licenses.

But hey, at least all of those Minnesota voters who felt so damn guilty for not letting two people in "love" get married can now rest easy.  Don't forget to say your prayers, folks.

The story comes from Twin

Minnesota couples line up early for gay marriage licenses

excerpted: About half a dozen couples passed through the basement service center of the Hennepin County Government Center in the hour after it opened at 7:30 a.m. A recent analysis by the state Department of Management and Budget estimated that 5,000 Minnesota gay couples would get married under the first year of the new law.

read the rest of the article at the above link.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sigh - I'm ashamed to say I live in MN.
AND we have Franken.

BUT - We'll keep fighting the bastids as long as we're still breathing.