Sunday, December 30, 2012

What you’ll see in the rebellion

From Bob Owens.

(Hat Tip:  Doug @ Sondrakistan)

What you’ll see in the rebellion

Let me explain, gun grabbers, how your confiscatory fantasy plays out. Let us imagine for a moment that a sweeping gun control bill similar to the one currently suggested is passed by the House and Senate, and signed into law by a contemptuous President.

Perhaps 50-100 million firearms currently owned by law-abiding citizens will become contraband with the stroke of a pen. Citizens will either register their firearms, or turn them in to agents of the federal government, or risk becoming criminals themselves. Faced with this choice, millions will indeed register their arms. Perhaps as many will claim they’ve sold their arms, or had them stolen. Suppose that as many as 200-250 million weapons of other types will go unregistered.

Tens of millions of Americans will refuse to comply with an order that is clearly a violation of the explicit intent of the Second Amendment. Among the most ardent opposing these measures will be military veterans, active duty servicemen, and local law enforcement officers. Many of these individuals will refuse to carry out what they view as Constitutionally illegal orders. Perhaps 40-50 million citizens will view such a law as treason. Perhaps ten percent of those, 4-5 million, would support a rebellion in some way, and maybe 40,000-100,000 Americans will form small independently-functioning active resistance cells, or become lone-wolves.

They will be leaderless, stateless, difficult to track, and considering the number of military veterans that would likely be among their number, extremely skilled at sabotage, assassination, and ambush.

After a number of carefully-planned, highly-publicized, and successful raids by the government, one or more will invariably end “badly.” Whether innocents are gunned down, a city block is burned to ash, or especially fierce resistance leads to a disastrously failed raid doesn’t particularly matter. What matters is that when illusion of the government’s invincibility and infallibility is broken, the hunters will become the hunted.

Unnamed citizens and federal agents will be the first to die, and they will die by the dozens and maybe hundreds, but famous politicians will soon join them in a spate of revenge killings, many of which will go unsolved.

Ironically, while the gun grab was intended to keep citizens from preserving their liberties with medium-powered weapons, it completely ignored the longer-ranged rifles perfect for shooting at ranges far beyond what a security detail can protect, and suppressed .22LR weapons proven deadly in urban sniping in Europe and Asia.

While the Secret Service will be able to protect the President in the White House, he will not dare leave his gilded cage except in carefully controlled circumstances. Even then he will be forced to move like a criminal. He will never be seen outdoors in public again. Not in this country.

The 535 members of the House and Senate in both parties that allowed such a law to pass would largely be on their own; the Secret Service is too small to protect all of them and their families, the Capitol Police too unskilled, and competent private security not particularly interested in working against their own best interests at any price. The elites will be steadily whittled down, and if they can not be reached directly, the targets will become their staffers, spouses, children, and grandchildren. Grandstanding media figures loyal to the regime would die in droves, executed as enemies of the Republic.

You can expect congressional staffs to disintegrate with just a few shootings, and expect elected officials themselves to resign well before a quarter of their number are eliminated, leaving us with a boxed-in executive, his cabinet loyalists trapped in the same win, die, or flee the country circumstance, military regime loyalists, and whatever State Governors who desire to risk their necks as well.

Here, the President will doubtlessly order the activation of National Guard units and the regular military to impose martial law, setting the largest and most powerful military in the world against its own people. Unfortunately, the tighter the President clinches his tyrannical fist, the more rebels he makes.

Military commands and federal agencies will be whittled down as servicemen and agents will desert or defect. Some may leave as individuals, others may join the Rebellion in squad and larger-sized units with all their weapons, tactics, skills, and insider intelligence. The regime will be unable to trust its own people, and because they cannot trust them, they will lose more in a vicious cycle of collapse.

Some of these defectors will be true “operators,” with the skills and background to turn ragtag militia cells into the kind of forces that decimate loyalist troops, allowing them no rest and no respite, striking them when they are away from their most potent weapons. Military vehicles are formidable, but they are thirsty beasts, in terms of fuel, ammo, time, and maintenance. Tanks and bombers are formidable only when they have gas, guns, and can be maintained. In a war without a front, logistics are incredibly easy to destroy, and mechanics and supply clerks are not particularly adept at defending themselves.

Eventually, the government will turn upon itself. The President will be captured or perhaps killed by his own protectors. A dictatorship will form in the vacuum.

If we’re lucky, the United States of America, or whatever amalgam results, will again try to rebuild. If we’re very lucky, the victors will reinstate the Constitution as the law of the land. Just as likely though, we’ll face fractious civil wars fought over issues we’ve not begun to fathom, and a much diminished state or states will result, perhaps guided by foreign interests.

It will not be pretty. There will be no “winners,” and perhaps hundreds of thousands to millions of dead.

Yet, this is the future we face if the power-mad among us are not soundly defeated at the ballot box before they affect more “change” than we, the People, are willing to surrender to would-be tyrants.


Findalis said...

One forgets that the rank and file of the National Guard and Regulars are Conservatives. In fact with an all volunteer military we have discovered that the majority of liberals would never join such a force.

Imagine this: The President hold up in the White House. His bodyguards cannot get him out except for Marine 1. The pilot of the helicopter carrying the President crashes it. It can happen.

Anonymous said...

Simultaneously, a treaty with the UN will cause the Feds to provide a list of gun owners to member countries…Americans on the list will be put on a no visit status keeping 40 million in the USA unable to travel abroad…Obama will say that he cannot help the matter…we will know better and will act accordingly

Anonymous said...

Wow. Talk about right wing paranoia. Remember what happened to the last force that tried to secede and/or challenge the Union? They had plenty of men and guns. Silly isolated individuals that think they are militias in of themselves. No one is taking away every gun, just semi automatics and automatics that no citizen has any rational need for. Second, Obama can't accomplish all this in 4 years. I remember how Tea Party crackpots were saying in 2009 that by this time Obama would have suspended the Constitution, declared martial law and U.N. troops would be patrolling American streets, in cahoots somehow with FEMA, after having killed millions with their Swine Flu vaccine. You extreme right wingers know one thing though. How to make the rest of us laugh. And I thought those closeted commies at MSNBC were loony. The Federal Government has faced and defeated The Confederacy, The Klan, Foreign Agents(Nazi as well as Communist), as well as countless other domestic threats(not to mention foreign ones) and you guys are going to be the end of them? Wishful thinking more like it. The United States Government is a multi-layered entity, unlike actual dictatorships out there that would collapse with the assassination of their strongman. Continuity is the order of the day. Much as you guys would like to see Obama in the beleaguered position of Assad, it's not going to happen. Those nuts at Wacco and Timothy McVeigh thought they were fighting a just war against the Federal Government and that their actions would spur a rebellion within the populace and a subsequent toppling of the Federal Government. How wrong they were. If anything it will be the so-called "leaderless" rebels that will committ some of the most heinous acts( much like Oklahoma City) and turn Public opinion against them. And Findalis, keep dreaming. The President current or otherwise future one will be holed up ala Cueacescu and his helicopter crashing is about as realistic as well..... Nothing. It's not realistic. Now I know you all wish death on our current Commander in Chief, but try to come out of your basements and wake up to the reality that your fantasy wars most likely will not transpire, Obama will be in office for another 4 years and not a day longer and the world will keep on turning on January 20th, 2017.

Findalis said...

Once again an idiot from the left comes out and says:

No one is taking away every gun, just semi automatics and automatics that no citizen has any rational need for.

This idiot doesn't know what he/she is talking about. He/She couldn't identify an Automatic, Semi-Automatic, and Bolt Action from each other. He/She hears semi-automatic and believes it is a gun that once you pull the trigger it fires. For the record this is what an semi-automatic is:

A semi-automatic, or self-loading, firearm is a weapon that performs all steps necessary to prepare the weapon to fire again after firing—assuming cartridges remain in the weapon's feed device or magazine. Typically, this includes extracting and ejecting the spent cartridge case from the weapon's firing chamber, re-cocking the firing mechanism, and loading a new cartridge into the firing chamber. Although automatic weapons and selective fire firearms do the same tasks, semi-automatic firearms do not automatically fire an additional round until the trigger is released and re-pressed by the person firing the weapon.

While all basic firearm actions require the action to be cycled manually before the first shot, semi-automatic as well as automatic and selective fire actions are differentiated from other forms such as single-action or double-action revolvers, pump-action, bolt-action, or lever-action firearms by eliminating the need to manually cycle the weapon after each shot. For example, to fire ten rounds from a semi-automatic firearm or a selective fire weapon set to fire semi-automatically, the action would initially be cycled to load the first round and the trigger would need to be pulled ten times (once for each round fired). For the other forms, the weapon's mechanism would require cycling manually prior to firing the next round. An automatic or a selective fire weapon set to fire automatically would be able to fire continuously as long as the trigger is held until the magazine or feed device runs out of ammunition.

In other words. A semi-automatic gun loads the guns without the aid of the shooter. But for the round to be shot, unlike the automatic gun, the shooter has to pull the trigger each time.


One of the reasons that the South lost the Civil War was due to its inability to manufacture the guns, ammo, etc... at the time. That has changed. Much of the production of armaments is now in what is the South and not in the areas that would be loyal to Obama.

Remember this: The military, their families, Veterans all dislike the President and his ideas. That is why their votes were suppressed. And can rise up against him. It is the high officer corp that would kiss any of their asses. That is because they will get promoted. But no military will succeed without the ground pounders. Ask them and you should start preparing to run.

Findalis said...

Stealing this one Holger for Monkey in the Middle

Anonymous said...

Yes I know what a semi automatic is. An M1 rifle would be semi automatic. I also know what a bolt action rifle is. The latter holds 5 bullets. I love it how right wingers pretend they're the only ones who know about weapons, the military and military history. Detroit is loyal to Obama. In WWII America went from civilian to military production in Detroit and other urban areas in the Rust Belt. Obama carried those states, particularly the urban centers where those factories are located. The lower rank and file of the military are 60%-40% Republican. Doesn't mean you'll get every single grunt on your side.

Voter supression? That's rich coming from your side. Are we forgetting Rick Scott's efforts to supress the vote in Florida? Or the Republican from Florida who said the new voter ID law was meant to cause long lines and discourage young voters who overwhelmingly vote Democrat. Don't tell me you were predicting a landslide like Dick Morris on Fox?

Findalis do you consider yourself a Christian? If so what denomination?

Findalis said...

Me a Christian? Hell no! I'm a Jew, got a problem with that?

Holger Awakens said...


No one here wishes any harm to Barack Hussein Obama. We simply want him removed from office for the treason he has committed against this country and is afforded us via the Constitution.

And none of this is paranoia - I guess some of us, unlike you, didn't foresee the ownership of the means of production in America by the Federal govt, ownership of the banks by the Federal government and nationalized health insurance with the Federal government demanding the purchase of a product by sovereign citizens.

And some of us didn't think we'd see the day where a sitting Governor and a sitting U.S. Senator would call for the confiscation of all guns.

Maybe you don't care about your Constitutional rights. We do.

:Holger Danske

Anonymous said...

Don't you mean Jewish? Instead of "a Jew?" Well anyway, are you religious? I would assume that the message of Jesus is not your central tenet? Don't you find it odd that most Christians, particularly those of Holgers extraction, I.e. Christian Right are pro-choice?

Why would I have a problem with you being Jewish? At least you guys have a Jubilee every 50 years. Most other religions don't have that.

Anonymous said...

Tghe IDIOT Findalis discusses is probably one of those special people Obama has that makes fun of teh lunatics talking about this p-lot in order to discredit them. Pay them no heed they will wither on teh vine . Wow is all I can say. Americans take their freedoms seriously I pity the president if he starts this ball rolling because it will not stop until he is out of office. As for the military some will do teh dirty deeds oMost will not. God Bless America and keep her people safe from tyrants

Anonymous said...

But Holger. The Sermon on the Mount doesn't call for Free Market economics, protecting the already super rich and cutting social programs. I know Jesus precedes the school of thought of Socialism by 1,800 years. But he certainly wasn't a free market Capitalist. Much as Sean Hannity on Fox News wishes he was.

Anonymous said...

To the poster above me, please use some proper spelling and punctuation. If you are an American, then our education system was in more dire straits than I thought. And I am not an Obama supporter. I supported Jon Huntsman during the primaries, that's all.

Findalis said...

@ Anonymous

You said: I would assume that the message of Jesus is not your central tenet? Don't you find it odd that most Christians, particularly those of Holgers extraction, I.e. Christian Right are pro-choice?

Now you really don't know what the heck you are talking about. Most Christians like Holger are pro-life. You would know that if you ever listened to Holger's show.

Findalis said...

@ Anonymous #2

And I am not an Obama supporter. I supported Jon Huntsman during the primaries, that's all.

As is your right in a Free Country. I had preferred Herman Cain.

Anonymous said...

hmmm, one is worried about Federal encroachment, dilution of the Republic, emasculation of the 2nd amendment, cultural debasement of Freedom and they are suddenly paranoid right wingers..nice try..the Left is comprised of sociopathic cult leaders breathing in the accolades of moronic minions…as such, you would only need to knock of three D Senators and the whole body will collapse since they have no core and will drop the gun control mantra…Disclaimer: I am not calling for some mad man off his meds to act upon the above observation despite weeks of watching or playing our Commie cultural fare.

Anonymous said...

@Findalis. I didn't think much of his 999 plan. Oh no.. What I meant by pro choice is that certain Christians, not all of them mind you, but a growing number pick and choose what they like and dislike from the Bible. You should read Grand Theft Jesus. How a growing Evangelical movement has turned the teachings of Jesus upside down. How war is favored over peace, greed and material wealth+consumerism over a more simple life, rich folk over poor folk, aggressive de-regulation over funding social programs, etc etc. a really compelling read. I thought it was Jesus who said that a rich man has as much of a chance of getting into heaven as a camel has in getting through the eye of a needle. I mean those most vocal about preaching the idea that America was founded on Judeo-Christian values/principles seem to be the worst offenders when it comes to living by what Jesus called for: A more just and humane society. And yet it's the Christian Right that calls for more wars, more conspicuous consumption and for more tax cuts for the wealthy and cutting of aid to the poor and downtrodden. I thought it was the meek that would inherit the earth. Not folks with McMansions and Gas Guzzlers. What happened to The Last shall be the first and the first shall be the last? Or do we like Christianity only when it suits us? Is it only Cosmetic nowadays? Only to be used to look down on people? I won't claim to know what Jesus thought/thinks but I gather he'd be appalled at the fact that we as a nation founded on his "principles" have 42% of the worlds military expenditures and yet our most vocal "Christians" are calling for the cutting of "entitlements" to plug the fiscal woes we are facing. I'd venture a guess and say that he would in "principle" support our social programs and denounce our way of life. I don't know, just a thought really. Maybe if we started to act like real Christians we'd be in a better shape as a country. As opposed to the Phony Pharisees we've become. That should be the new label for guys like Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and Rick Santorum, among many the business of making a buck in Christ's name.

Findalis said...

@ Anonymous

The Christian Right I have heard says nothing of that. In fact I have heard of them wanting the government out of our lives. Lower taxes, less spending, less welfare. Instead of promoting an immoral lifestyle, they want people to get work, stand on their own two feet and to wait on having children until they are:

Able to afford a child.

While recognizing that babies come sometimes when you can't afford them and that a young woman can get pregnant outside of marriage, it should not be a lifestyle.

The Old Testament gives instructions on how to fight a war, how to care for soldiers when they return from war, the New Testament is opposite on that point. In fact it teaches love thy enemy.

I do not know where you are getting your information on Christianity, but what they teach is that you have to take RESPONSIBILITY for your actions. And that government cannot do everything for you.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Jesus say to accept the governments that were in place? Although he also said that they were put there by God. I'm assuming he also meant the Pagan Roman government. I doubt folks today would accept that our current government is placed there by God, lol.

And didn't Jesus champion the poor? Told his followers to give up their earthly possessions? I don't recall him talking about lower taxes and blaming the poor for not being "responsible" enough. Didn't Jesus break with the Old Covenant? And forge a new one? Rendering the Old Testament moot? He never talked about abortion or homosexuality for that matter.

The Christian Right wants people to get to work? Like they get to work? Fleecing people with their con-man sermons in their mega churches? The Christian Right does advocate for the things I mentioned before. A lot of evangelical leaders were supportive of President Bush's war in Iraq. Hence being pro-war. Pat Robertson openly called for the assassination of a sovereign head of state, because as he put it.... Venezuela is sitting on a large pool of oil, and that country is in our sphere of influence. Ted Haggard the disgraced pastor( they're all a disgrace) openly admitted that his preaching Is pro war and pro greed.

Spending less on welfare? Really? But $700 billion for DOD is warranted? What did Jesus say about rich folk that only see to their earthly treasure?

The Christian Right wants the government out of our lives? No they want the government out of their bulging pockets, but in everybody's bedroom and for them to be in every classroom.

Funny how the government "does everything" for the super rich and leaves the poor to suffer. What do they call that? Trickle Down? I don't know where you're getting your information on Christianity, but Jesus never called for what those Pharisees at Fox News are calling for.

Anonymous said...

Ted Haggard "moulding" Jesus for the 21st Century.

Findalis said...

Since I'm not a Christian I will let Holger or another Christian to respond to your questions.

But I will remind you of this. In the United State the poor of the nation have luxury homes (compared to the 3rd world), luxury items such as big screen TVs, $500 a pair sneakers, heat in the winter, air conditioning in the summer, and have a problem with Obesity. And they pay no taxes and do not work. In fact all their "income" comes from the government.

The 3rd world should be so well off.

What will happen when the money runs out?

Anonymous said...

Clearly pro war:

I can go on and on. The Christian Right is pro-war and pro-Greed. They had no objections when Wall Street got its $700 billion bailout, but when the American taxpayer was due for some relief they all balked and called it Socialism trying to scare the electorate.

Look at the fiscal cliff. Some of the most "Christian" members of congress would rather allow the country to fall off the cliff rather than raise taxes on the super wealthy. They'd rather let taxes be raised on the middle class. How is that Christian? How is that "responsibility?"

Anonymous said...

They have a problem with obesity because all they can afford is cheap fast food that makes them fat. Another example of corporate greed. Willing to make fast money today, not worrying that an obese population in the future will lead to massive instability. Considering how wealthy the US is, barring our current fiscal issues, we shouldn't even compare ourselves with 3d world countries. If we stop giving tax cuts to already wealthy individuals the money doesn't have to run out. If we stop spending $700 billion annually on military adventures in far flung countries and maintain imperial outposts the money doesn't have to run out. If we stopped being greedy and stopped shipping jobs overseas to make quick money today the money wouldn't run out. Keep the jobs here. Unemployment would plummet and domestic consumption would revatilize the economy. Instead China, India, Mexico, Indonesia, Brazil, and other developing nations take our jobs. Why? Because greedy corporations ship them overseas who are protected by "Christian" politicians of a certain political stripe. And if anyone tries to stop this greedy custom they are labeled Socialists and Communists. I'm sure a lot of poor folk have jobs. Who cleans the toilets, cooks the food and picks up the trash? Wall Street CEO's?

Findalis said...

@ Anonymous

Now that is BS. They are fat because they don't want low fat foods. I know this from people who have tried to sell fresh fruits and veggies in the "hoods". They own "Convenience Stores" and fresh food doesn't sell. Nor does foods that has a prep time. They prepare junk food, soda and of course cakes.

After the Rodney King riots in LA, the mayor convinced a few Supermarket chains to open stores in the worse hit neighborhoods. They did with great fanfare. They closed within a year. Between the shoplifting and the armed robberies, they couldn't make a profit. They did sell chips, soda, frozen pizzas, etc... but fruits and veggies are not bought.

It is not the fast food places that is causing it. It is the people themselves.

Anonymous said...

Yeah right have you seen the price disparity between McDonalds and WholeFood? Besides with stagnant wages and skyrocketing living costs most working people have to work longer hours or more than one job. Who has the time and energy to cook a healthy homemade meal? Some people wake up at 5 in the morning and don't get home until 6 or 7! They get up when it's dark and come home when it's dark. My dad is one of them. So I do the cooking. You think without me my folks wouldn't turn to fast food given the long hours they work? And the lack of time and energy as a result of those long hours? And they live in the Suburbs!!!

Fresh food doesn't sell because cheap fast food is right next to it. It's a cultural thing. It's convenience.

Look all I know is that vulture capitalism seems to be the norm in our country and that type of behavior is ironically protected by so-called "Christian" politicians and their lobby groups.

Findalis said...

I know people who are on Food Stamps and also grow their own veggies. A few dollars spent on large ceramic pots, potting soil and seeds give them tomatoes, lettuce, onions, radishes, etc... all in their living rooms. Their kitchens are covered with herbs growing. A small lemon tree helps too.

All this in a small apartment. It can be done.

As for Whole Foods, only the Moonbats shop there. McDonalds sells salads and non-fried foods too. So why are they buying the fattening fried foods?

Anonymous said...

Yeah I don't trust anything McDonalds produces. Perhaps fattening foods are cheaper. I think those folks are the exception not the rule. Like I said people wake up when it's dark and come home when it's dark. Did you see the link I sent you? 500 years to make what the CEO makes in one year!!!! A new offer on the fiscal cliff negotiations. $450,000!!! And yet "Christian" Republicans still reject it!! Really? $450,000 is not enough? That those making $45,000 have to take the brunt? How are tax cuts for the wealthy and tax increases for the middle class+cuts to social programs considered "Christian?" How is having 42% of the worlds military spending "Christian?" Can you imagine how much poverty we could eradicate if we cut the bloated DOD budget? How much poverty we could reduce if we compelled corporations to bring back jobs to America? But that would be Socialism wouldn't it? Interfering with the market? If that's so.... Then aren't these so-called American corporations engaging in economic treason? Because they sure as hell aren't economic patriots.

Holger Awakens said...


I appreciate the efforts here and I know you made a reference to "Holger" or one of the "Christians" responding to this putz, but alas, this cretin is well known here ...although we had been encouraged by his lack of participation lately. I usually just let him rant and try and work through his childhood traumas of abandonment - it's kind of like my Christian way of trying to help the poor sap with some cheap therapy.

:Holger Danske

Anonymous said...

Ranting? Is that what I was doing? And here I thought I was calling you on your faux "Christianity."

I like how you claim victory by resorting to personal name calling without actually backing up any of your attacks on me.

I gave evidence that showed the "Christian" right to be modern day Pharisees. Yet you claim victory with words like putz and cretin. I'm a cretin because I say what Jesus really said? That he championed the poor? That he favored peace over war? Humbleness over Greed? Social Justice over shallow consumerism? Well if that's the case, I guess I am a Cretin. I support The Setmon on the Mount.

Henry Bowman said...


It's funny how you won't even put down a name, even if it is an alias or non de plume.

Holger know me and I know Holger.

Now who are you?

Henry Bowman said...

Sorry it should be "knows".

Holger Awakens said...


I'm sorry your upset with the way I responded to you but it's my blog and I can do whatever I want.

Now, let me get back to my victory lap.

Good to see you Henry...Happy New Year, sir.


Anonymous said...

You mean your delusional victory lap? Yeah sure. Claiming victory the way you do is like those Islamists in Libya saying they defeated Gaddafi alone. Ignoring how NATO saved their assess.

Henry..... There's been "anonymous" postings before, pro-Holger anonymous posts and they've never been asked to show their identity. I wonder if people want to know who I am simply because I am not agreeing with Holger. My name is Nikollai Orlov. Born in Volgograd, USSR, 1980. 32 years old. Served in military August 1999-September 2000. Saw action in Shatoy, Gudermes, Grozny and the Vedeno gorge. Emigrated to America on July 13th, 2001. Currently live in New Rochelle, New York. Married with 2 kids. 11 and 8 years old.

Yes Holger, it is your blog and you are free to express your opinion. I have no qualms about that. I'm not criticizing your right to free speech. In my own exercise of free speech I am criticizing your claim of being a Christian. Given your views and those of Jesus Christ, I don't see much compatibility. Hence why I doubt your claim of being a Christian.