Thursday, November 15, 2012

Latest Report of IDF Putting the Hurt On Hamas

I wanted to share with everyone the latest unofficial details of how Israel's IDF is putting a can of whoop ass on Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza.

This all comes from The Muqata where it is nearly midnight there.

11:59 PM Islamic Jihad leader Haled Al-Batash: "Soon there will be new surprises"

11:53 PM Reports that 3 senior tactical members of Hamas killed earlier this evening by IDF airstrike.

11:42 PM Air Raid Sirens sounding in the general vicinity of the Beer Sheva metropolitan area.

11:36 PM IDF's targetted killing continue in Gaza....reports from Gaza of 4 killed and over 23 wounded.

9:58 PM 80 sites in Gaza have been hit by IAF and Israeli Navel bombardment in the last hour.

I'm not going to minimize the fact that Israel continues to be rocked by more and more rockets and now there is more small arms fire coming across from the Gaza border - the fact of the matter is that the terror groups in Gaza have been preparing for this type of assault.

1 comment:

Sharku said...

Another good source for news is