Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Al Qaeda in Iraq....They're Baaaaack....15 People Killed Today In Coordinated Iraq Bombings

Al Qaeda in Iraq seems to just LOVE to set off bombs and kill the hell out of people when it's a Muslim holiday or the eve of one.  It's almost like they hate Muslims.   LOL

The story comes from DAWN.

Spate of Iraq bombings kill 15

BAGHDAD: A series of apparently coordinated bombings across Iraq on the eve on Wednesday of a Muslim festival marking the Islamic new year killed 15 people and wounded dozens, security and medical officials said.

The early-morning blasts — five car bombs and a roadside bomb — struck in Baghdad and three other cities, and will likely raise tensions in a country that only recently emerged from a brutal sectarian war.

The deadliest blasts occurred in Kirkuk, a disputed ethnically-mixed oil-rich province in north Iraq that is frequently targeted by militants seeking to sow communal violence, where at least nine people were killed and 39 wounded.

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