Monday, June 18, 2012

The Orwelian Nanny State Is Here, America

I ran across this article and I think it's dynamite - it captures some of what I was speaking about at The Awakening BTR show on Saturday night.

Have a go at's a quick read.  It comes from Weatherford Democrat:

COLUMN: Orwellian nanny state is here

— Has anyone noticed how our lives or, I should say, existence is taking on a George Orwell feel? Will we have to learn how to survive in a society ruled by an over-reaching government that uses surveillance, incessant mis-stating or spinning of the facts, hypocrisy, liberal use of the double standard, and looking back to recent history not for the public good to change something for the better, but to find a scapegoat ... or two, or three? All accomplished at the moment with a political system which is administered by privileged elite who rule with a philosophy that decries individuality and success or wealth creation. Are we slowly being subordinated to a supposed collective greater good? Can the thought police be far behind?

Our country is swarming with minders aka PC Police. They are in our schools and all levels of government all the way up to big brother in Washington, D.C. All the while the Political Correct nonsense bandwagon rolls on! Officials of every stripe are running so fast trying to jump on that wagon they are knocking each other off. PC madness dictates the size of soft drinks you can buy all the way up to un-manned drones flying over American cattle ranches testing for cow flatulence, I guess — and controlled not by the military, but the EPA, which has become a rogue agency answering to no one!

The handful of conspiracy theorists in Weatherford should be going nuts over that tidbit.

Taking the salt shakers out of restaurants in New York City was just the beginning of the madness. Public schools have removed God from the classroom... what next, dodge ball? Oh, they already did that; the kids can no longer play dodge ball because the liberal busy bodies and PC minders are worried poor little Johnny might get a boo boo when he takes one on the noggin. More probable is the school district is worried about getting dragged into court because Johnny did take one on the noggin!

The absolute height of this PC nonsense is the school grading systems — or I should say no grading. Some school districts want all kids to feel equal so no letter grades are issued, nor do they keep score for athletic events because kids are traumatized when they lose! Other school systems in California automatically give weaker teams a big lead before they start a game. I wonder how well this will work out in the real world when those kids grow up and compete at anything.

Honestly, I am starting to believe an alien space ship did land on this planet and kicked off all the liberals from their solar system. Seriously it does seem our privacy is being lost to the state. Just look at the size of government since Obama took over; large governments are needed for subjugation of the people. I shudder to think what will happen to America as we used to know it if Big Brother gets another term; his end has not been achieved. Hey, even I am allowed at least one conspiracy theory!


Anonymous said...

Ok folks here it is

Pilitical corectness = Intelectual AIDS

When someone says something not PC, the PC types take offence and thusly try to have teh non PC person punished. Well I for one say screw teh PC. If someone takes offence to what I say dont listen walk away I wont take offnce. But if you come after me to be punished because i am not PC, you can expect a punch in teh nose also non PC but you will learn your lesson. The lesson is this. Mind yourm own beeswax dont worry about me. Sorry bout teh punch in the nose, next time stay out of my business

Bigfoot said...

Is the last pic in the sequence Hillary Clinton?

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