Sunday, May 20, 2012

Israelis Send Jihad Monkey To Attack Muslims In Saudi Arabia (LOL)

 Monkey jumped to attack worshippers. (SUPPLIED)

I'm sorry but I just couldn't resist that post title above ...hahaha.  But this story is absolutely hilarious and I'm still on the floor over it.

From Emirates 24/7 via The Religion of Peace:

A packed Saudi mosque plunged into pandemonium after a money found its way inside and attacked worshippers just as they were about to kneel down for their daily prayers, a newspaper in the Gulf Kingdom said on Sunday.

Hundreds of people have converged on the mosque in the western town of Taif for their evening prayers and lined up behind the preacher when the monkey jumped into the lines and attacked them.

"They stopped their prayers to chase the monkey…after a few minutes, they failed to catch it and the monkey succeeded in fleeing outside the mosque,” Sabq daily said without mentioning where the monkey had come from.

See?  Even primates from the animal kingdom know evil when they sense it and the Jihadi Monkey did his best to fight the powers of Mohammed!   hahaha

Now THAT is one video that I would pay to see.

Monkey disrupts prayers at Saudi mosque

A packed Saudi mosque plunged into pandemonium after a money found its way inside and attacked worshippers just as they were about to kneel down for their daily prayers, a newspaper in the Gulf Kingdom said on Sunday.

Hundreds of people have converged on the mosque in the western town of Taif for their evening prayers and lined up behind the preacher when the monkey jumped into the lines and attacked them.

"They stopped their prayers to chase the monkey…after a few minutes, they failed to catch it and the monkey succeeded in fleeing outside the mosque,” Sabq daily said without mentioning where the monkey had come from.


Findalis said...

I guess Mike the Monkey will join Sammy the Shark, Vinnie the Vulture, George the Giraffe, Hymie the Hippo, Bernie the Bee-Eater, a couple of pigeons and 14 squirrels in the Mossad Hall of Fame.

This wonderful program the Mossad has of training animals to disrupt and spy on the enemies of Israel has worked out very well.

I am sure they are keeping close tabs on those flies who are equipped with electronics.

Findalis said...

Follow up. Stealing oops borrowing this for Monkey in the Middle. Even found a picture of Agent Mike here.

Holger Awakens said...

hahahahaha Findalis!


:Holger Danske

Bigfoot said...

Those monkey-grubbing Joooos will get after ya!