Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Muslim Leaders In India Demand That Author Salman Rushdie Be Denied Entry To India

You can't say that Muslims don't have a long memory as today, Muslim leaders in India demanded that author Salman Rushdie, who wrote the classic, "The Satanic Verses" wayyyyy back in 1988 be refused entry to India to attend a literary festival. First off, the book was written 24 DAMN YEARS AGO! Secondly, I'm surprised that Rushdie would even dare show his face in India - I mean seriously, what are the odds of a terror attack on THAT festival? I'm sure the other authors are thrilled that he is going to be there. hahaha.

Anyway, the Muslims are raising a fuss because someone had the audacity to question their so-called religion and so-called holy book - if I had a nickel for every time my Christianity had been questioned or blasphemed and the Holy Bible doubted, I could put my feet up and afford to blog 24 hours a day.

But hey, these morons won't rest until Rushdie is dead and believe me, they want him to get to that death way ahead of his natural schedule.

The report is from Breitbart.

Indian Muslims demand author Rushdie be denied entry

(Reuters) - Muslim leaders have demanded India ban Salman Rushdie from entering the country to attend a literary festival, re-igniting a decades-old row about the Booker prize-winning author's works.

Rushdie's 1988 novel "The Satanic Verses" was considered blasphemous by many Muslims and sparked calls for him to be killed, forcing the writer into hiding for years. He has visited India since, although the book is still banned there.

"India is a country where the sentiments of each community and caste are respected and therefore such a man should not be permitted to come to the country," Maulana Khalid Rashid Farangi Mahali, a prominent Muslim cleric, told Reuters.

His comments echoed those of other clerics at a high-profile Muslim seminary who said Rushdie had offended tens of millions of Muslims by insulting the Prophet Mohammad, according to statements made to Indian media.

Rushdie rejected the demand he be denied a travel permit.

"... for the record, I don't need a visa," the Indian-born Rushdie said on Twitter.

Many comments on the microblogging website on Tuesday supported Rushdie, who won the Booker prize for his novel "Midnight's Children" in 1981.

Muslims represent about 13 percent of India's 1.2 billion people.

Rushdie is due to attend Asia's largest literary festival in

historic Jaipur city from January 20-24.

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