Monday, July 11, 2011

U.S. Predator Drone Strike Kills 10 Taliban in North Waziristan

Okay, the fact is that the U.S. and Pakistan are certainly not on the best of terms right now and it's already showing in the reporting being done by the Pakistani media. A U.S. drone strike today killed 10 Taliban/al Qaeda in North Waziristan and look below at how the Pakistani news agency DAWN reported it with the headline:

US drone strike kills 10 people in North Waziristan

Got that? A couple of months ago DAWN would have put the word "militants" in that headline instead of "people" but now, the Pakistanis are getting all uppity. I'm guessing we'll see some story out later today or tomorrow where this strike is questionable that that some civilians were killed. In the past two years, I don't think there were more than two drone strikes that killed or injured civilians.

Anyway, no matter what the Pakistanis say or report, this is a HUGE hit in one drone strike. And on a Monday it's a real bonus!

US drone strike kills 10 people in North Waziristan

MIRAMSHAH: A US drone strike targeting a compound in Pakistan’s northwestern tribal belt on the Afghan border Monday killed at least 10 peole, local security officials said.

The unmanned aircraft fired four missiles, hitting the compound and a vehicle parked nearby in North Waziristan tribal district, a senior official based in Peshawar told AFP.

1 comment:

Lysol said...

"US drone strike kills 10 people in North Waziristan."

Hey Charlie, I'm bored today.

Yah, we've been flying this bird around for hours.

Hey, I got an idea, let's just pick some people at random and drop a bomb on them, then we can call it a night.

Sounds good, let's do it.