Friday, May 6, 2011

Thousands and Thousands of Those Wonderful "Democratic" Egyptian Protesters That MSNBC Adored Now Protest Death of Bin Laden, Vow Death to America

Remember the scene in Egypt with the tens of thousands of Egyptian protesters calling for the fall of Mubarek and the MSNBC news staff filling our heads like this was a scene out of 1776 and Bunker Hill? Remember the MSNBC announcement that "this is what democracy looks like!"?

Well, those same "patriots" of Egypt were out in the streets again today....thousands of them...but this time, their anger wasn't directed at Hosni Mubarak but at the United States of America...for killing Osama bin Laden.

From the article at Ansa Med:

Thousands of Egyptian Salafists have today organised a march in protest against the United States over the killing of Osama Bin Laden. The march began at the Al Nur mosque in the Abbasiya area of Cairo and ended outside the American embassy.

This is according to the MENA news agency, which says that protesters chanted slogans against the American President Barack Obama, calling him the assassin responsible for Bin Laden's death.

So, for all those Leftist Americans who didn't believe me when I said that the Muslim Brotherhood was driving the protests, for those that didn't believe me that these protesters wanted death to Israel and America, for those that didn't believe me that the "new" Egypt would be worse than the "old" Egypt...well, now you know. And if you still stick to your claims, then I dare, I DOUBLE dare you to get on a flight to Cairo or Alexandria and wear your best American red white and blue attire while walking the streets there and we'll see what happens.

I'm sure you're confident that the Egyptians will embrace you as a brother or sister in "democracy"....right? Go ahead, let's see if that happens.


(ANSAmed) - ROME, MAY 6 - Thousands of Egyptian Salafists have today organised a march in protest against the United States over the killing of Osama Bin Laden. The march began at the Al Nur mosque in the Abbasiya area of Cairo and ended outside the American embassy.

This is according to the MENA news agency, which says that protesters chanted slogans against the American President Barack Obama, calling him the assassin responsible for Bin Laden's death.

Dozens of Egyptian citizens in Tahrir Square today prayed for the soul of the Al Qaeda leader, who was killed last week in a raid in Pakistan by American special forces. (ANSAmed).

1 comment:

Carl Perkins said...

In a city of millions "dozens" turned out in Tahrir Square to support Bin Laden- hardly sounds like an election landslide. A few thousand Salafists? Salafists are the most extreme element in Islam. Salafist are even opposed to Hamas for not instituting Sharia Law in Gaza. They make headlines but they do not enjoy much support in Egypt or Gaza.

You suggest we should not support any democracy movements in the Middle East. What do you suggest we do to stop democracy movements? Spend more to prop up dictators? You seem to suggest that the only choice the Middle East has is dictator or Sharia.

People deserve the same freedoms we have - if they are willing to earn it as we did.

- Sorry about the loss of your friend.
- Cracking a homebrew ale & watching the sunset. No more online for me this gorgeous spring weekend.