The purge of Christians in Pakistan continues full tilt as this story at Catholic Culture depicts the fact that hundreds of young Christian girls in Pakistan have been rounded up, forced to convert to Islam and then are raped or forced into marriages. I guess this is what you call an Islamic version of Match.com.
From the story:
Citing several examples, the Fides news agency reports that hundreds of Christian girls in Pakistan have been abducted, forced to convert to Islam, and raped or forced into marriages.
“The Christian girls are the weakest and most vulnerable, because their communities are poor, defenseless and marginalized, therefore easily exposed to harassment and threats,” said a nun who hides girls who have escaped their captors. Often they do not even have the courage to denounce the violence.”
I have put up countless posts about the islamic rage going on in the world against Christians - whether it is this kind of forced conversion or the murder of Christians in Iraq or Egypt or the sharia law punishments of Christians in Pakistan and northern Africa...the fact of the matter is that Christians around this world are currently Islam's main target.
But why the surprise? Islam is very clear on its command - infidels must convert or be killed. I guess here in the West we can all but ignore all of this forced conversion and bloodshed though because ....well, I guess it will never happen over here, right?
Yeah, right.
Pakistan: hundreds of Christian girls forced to convert to Islam
Citing several examples, the Fides news agency reports that hundreds of Christian girls in Pakistan have been abducted, forced to convert to Islam, and raped or forced into marriages.
“The Christian girls are the weakest and most vulnerable, because their communities are poor, defenseless and marginalized, therefore easily exposed to harassment and threats,” said a nun who hides girls who have escaped their captors. Often they do not even have the courage to denounce the violence.”
“The trend is worrying,” she added. “There are hundreds of cases a year registered, and those that come to light are only a fraction.”
Right on Anonymous!
:Holger Danske
Anyone want to wonder why Norway and Sweden share the honor of being the Rape Capital of Europe?
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