Personally, I didn't think it possible that in as little as two years as a U.S. President, Barack Hussein Obama, could engineer a downward spiral of America as the world's superpower to this extent. The latest example of a world taking advantage of the submissive nature of the "new" America is the blatant military build up of the Chinese and how they simply throw their latest advances in our faces. I wonder what the Chinese translation is for "whatcha gonna do about it, pussy?"
From the article at Family Security Matters:
Blunt message: In a show of muscle, China tested its new J-20 stealth fighter while the U.S. defense secretary was in the country.
It's not clear who authorized the test flight of China's new J-20 "stealth" fighter during Defense Secretary Robert Gates' visit to Beijing this week, but the message was pretty clear: China has arrived -- and we really don't care what you think anymore, America.
Making China's claims more menacing is the news of Beijing's new anti-ship ballistic missile -- a weapon that could send a US flattop to Davy Jones' locker. Some defense experts call the missile a "game-changer."
To that, add reports that Beijing may send a prototype aircraft carrier to sea this year -- an event many said would never happen. This means the United States won't be the only carrier navy in the vast Pacific Ocean at some point in the near future.
With its military muscle growing, China is less likely to give ground on other issues. For example, it hasn't been helpful in dealing with its ally North Korea -- which pushed the Korean Peninsula to the brink of war last year with its unprovoked sinking of a South Korean warship and shelling of an island.
This is what happens when you elect a boy to do a man's job, America. Did ANY of you Obama voters actually think twice or even once about the security of your nation? Do ANY of you give a rat's ass whether your family will be alive in 25 years? 50 years?
The indictment of Obama is scathing:
- Iran has not only moved forward with its nuclear weapon plans, they have accelerated them
- With Obama's outreach to the Muslim world, we have seen Islamic terror attacks INCREASE in America and in the western world, not decrease
- The Chinese are on a track to rival the U.S. in military power
- The North Koreans have put the entire world in jeopardy of war since they fear no reprisals from the Obama administration
- Israel has found itself having to devise it's own plans of national defense due to the anti-Israel policies of the Obama administration
- The morale of the U.S. military hasn't been at this low a point since the Clinton or Carter years
I can give you 100 reasons why each and every American needs to vote Barack Hussein Obama out of office in 2012 but the national defense issue could stand alone as the reason for doing that. The real issue we have to face is whether we can safely wait two years to get that done.
A 'Stealthy' Signal
Blunt message: In a show of muscle, China tested its new J-20 stealth fighter while the U.S. defense secretary was in the country.
It's not clear who authorized the test flight of China's new J-20 "stealth" fighter during Defense Secretary Robert Gates' visit to Beijing this week, but the message was pretty clear: China has arrived -- and we really don't care what you think anymore, America.
Sure, it's possible that Chinese President Hu Jintao didn't know about the test flight until Gates mentioned it at their meeting, or even that Defense Minister Gen. Liang Guanglie didn't know either, despite the importance of his counterpart's visit -- the first by a US defense secretary since 2007.
But the jet's high-speed taxi runs and subsequent test flight got a ton of publicity in the tightly controlled Chinese media -- so someone high up in the Chinese Communist Party (which includes both civilian and military leadership) plainly decided to send a signal.
A signal sent as Hu is about to head to Washington for a state visit hosted by President Obamanext week, when there's already no shortage of testy issues in US-China relations.
Beijing has made sovereign claims over the East China, South China and Yellow seas, claims that defy widely held views on freedom of navigation. The assertions have already led to some near-clashes with US forces operating in these areas.
Making China's claims more menacing is the news of Beijing's new anti-ship ballistic missile -- a weapon that could send a US flattop to Davy Jones' locker. Some defense experts call the missile a "game-changer."
To that, add reports that Beijing may send a prototype aircraft carrier to sea this year -- an event many said would never happen. This means the United States won't be the only carrier navy in the vast Pacific Ocean at some point in the near future.
With its military muscle growing, China is less likely to give ground on other issues. For example, it hasn't been helpful in dealing with its ally North Korea -- which pushed the Korean Peninsula to the brink of war last year with its unprovoked sinking of a South Korean warship and shelling of an island.
Beijing's also been unwilling to come down hard with economic sanctions over Iran's nuclear program. It may have even turned a blind eye to the transfer -- through China -- of North Korean missile technology to Iran. Instead, it lets others do the heavy lifting while it keeps ready access to much-needed Iranian oil and natural gas.
Elsewhere, there are still strong concerns about fairness in the bilateral trade relationship, which results in an annual US trade deficit of more than $200 billion and a less-than-level playing field for American businesses in China.
The Chinese government subsidizes state-owned firms, boosting their competitiveness internationally; keeps the Yuan undervalued, making foreign goods more costly in China, and steals technology (or forces transfers) from foreign producers.
As China's strength grows, don't even think about being able to pressure it on human rights. In fact, China was able to get some 15 ambassadors to skip the recent Nobel Peace Prizeceremony honoring imprisoned Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo.
With its rapidly growing national power, China is not only increasingly willing to say "No" but is more than willing to make counter demands that better meet Beijing's interests.
This isn't to say that the United States and China can't cooperate, but that will happen only if its suits Beijing as well. Unfortunately, the new China that is emerging is more a strong, fire-breathing dragon than a cute, cuddly panda.
If you think China would not have developed and gone public with this aircraft if McCain had won then you are a fool. Go in to any department store in America and look at how much is "Made in China". Welcome to the 21st century.
I'm making the claim that China cannot even feed its own people and the only reason they are moving forward like this militarily is because Obama has just simply made it too tempting.
:Holger Danske
China could take Taiwan and The One may feign outrage, but that would be about it.
Do you really think the American people would support a war with China to liberate Taiwan right now? Not worth it.
All China would have to do is put all of their American treasury bonds up for sale and we'd be fucked. An economic nuclear bomb - without firing a shot.
What is keeping China from just taking Taiwan? Real question. What? They hold the cards, and all BHO has signaled is weakness in foreign policy.
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