Friday, December 3, 2010

Pakistani Cleric Says His Mosque Will Pay Anyone $6,000 To Kill the Christian Woman Blasphemer

I've put up a couple of posts about the Christian Pakistani woman who was sentenced to death for blasphemy against islam and how there's a push from some to pardon her or at least let her have another trial. Well, one of Pakistan's hard line clerics wants her dead. Bad. So he has announced that his mosque, that holy site of the grand pubah allah, you know...a holy place of worship, has issued a $6,000 reward for ANYONE who will see that this woman gets killed. Now if that isn't a religion of peace....

Here's the article from DAWN:

Peshawar cleric calls for Aasia to be killed

PESHAWAR: A hardline cleric has offered a reward to anyone who kills a Christian woman convicted of blasphemy against Islam.

Maulana Yousef Qureshi made the announcement Friday at a rally in Peshawar. He said his mosque would give $6,000 to the person who kills Aasia Bibi.

Bibi was sentenced Nov. 8 to hang for insulting Islam’s Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). She and her family say the charge is baseless.

Her case has attracted international attention and a personal appeal from Pope Benedict XVI for her freedom, while government officials have talked about the possibility of a presidential pardon.

Bibi is currently in jail. Authorities were not immediately available for comment on Qureshi’s announcement.

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