Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Video: Did North Korea Embarrass China With Its Attack On the South?

1 comment:

in the vanguard said...

I disagree with Mr. Kuhn. I don't think "stability" is China's main concern.

I sense something else, though can't tell you what it is. But it sure looks as if we're on the brink of something big about to explode.

The G20 met in Seoul; This brought honor to the South Korean nation. Iranian nuclear power must have been an issue. As must have been similar aspirations of North Korea.

During the end of this important meeting, two things happened, both in the Pacific Ocean, that seem related. First, a missile, seen off the Pacific coast, streaked like a bullet high into the sky with a thick contrail in its wake, probably launched from a foreign, submerged submarine in or near our territorial waters. (Nov. 9). Then, as another "message", a Chinese nuclear submarine popped up right in the midst of a large U.S. naval exercise, right next to the huge U.S.S. Kitty-Hawk, an aircraft carrier with 4,500 personnel - completely surprising the American crew, i.e., bypassing their radar detection technology! (Nov. 10)

Next, North Korea, a puppet regime of the Chinese, fired over 170 rounds of heavy artillery into a South Korean island (Nov. 23).

Looks to me like China is flexing its big muscles. The American president, who I think bowed down to the Chinese leader too, may well be on the dictator's side. We have a renegade regime, sympathetic to a cause that favors America's destruction, in the White House, do we not? So he'll behave like a lame duck when it comes to protecting our allies.