Monday, October 4, 2010

Video: Al-Jezeera Caught In a Lie ...Old Footage Used As "New" Proof of Attack on Mosque

Al-Jezeera, intent on fueling the flames in the Middle East between muslims and the Israelis decided to put up a story today on a mosque that was supposedly burned and vandalized by Israeli settlers. They ran a video of today's damage, October 4, 2010.

Only one problem. Al-Jezeera ran THE SAME EXACT FOOTAGE for a similiar "hit piece" back in May of this year.

Look at the two photos/screen shots below of YouTube videos - the first is dated today, the second is dated in May. Nice try, chumps.


Anonymous said...

Goes to show you that islam is NOTHING but lies - and they know it! They know that they live a lie.

Anonymous said...

Well, if you look at the actual photos of the damage it is some scorched rugs and a few burned books accompanied by some graffiti--they don't even have proof it was Israelis who did it (the arabs here are famous for "fakes"). Of course the ADL was outraged--but where was their outrage when the PA murdered for people in cold blood--one a woman 9 months pregnant--then handed out candy in the streets. The hypocrisy stinks.