Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Times Square Bomber Gets Life In Prison, Defiantly Tells Court That More Terror Is On the Way

Well, the inept and incompetent Times Square bomber got life in prison today for his plot to kill and main New Yorkers on the busy city streets in New York City but he didn't seem too upset about it as he rambled on in court about the price we will pay in America. Once a jihadi, always a jihadi I guess.

From the story at NY Daily News:

An unrepentant Faisal Shahzad, proudly wearing the mantle of terrorist, was sentenced to life in prison Tuesday morning for his failed Times Square car-bombing plot.

The Pakistani-born terrorist, speaking before learning he would die behind bars, warned Americans to "brace yourself" for future attacks.

"The defeat of the U.S. must and will happen in the near future," Shahzad declared, adding that the attacks were just Muslims defending themselves.

"If you call us terrorists for doing that, than we are proud terrorists," said Shahzad, wearing a white skull cap and a blue prison-issued outfit.

"I want to plead guilty and I'm going to plead guilty a hundred times forward," Shahzad said when entering his plea on June 21.

The onetime resident of suburban Connecticut, a married father of two, declared himself "a Muslim soldier."

You know, Shahzad is one of those jihadis who would take this opportunity in court to act all tough and muj-like but I gotta feeling that if he had been sentenced to death...we would have seen him sobbing like a little baby. A couple of changes I would like to see in these sentencings and believe me, we're going to see a lot more of them. First, in a trial where the defendant is charged with terrorism with intent to kill multiple persons, a guilty verdict brings a mandatory death sentence. And second, at sentencing...the defendent is gagged so there is no words that can be uttered by him in the courtroom.

But hey, life in prison isn't half bad - have fun rotting in prison, shitface.

Defiant Faisal Shahzad, Pakistani immigrant who tried to bomb Times Square, sentenced to life

An unrepentant Faisal Shahzad, proudly wearing the mantle of terrorist, was sentenced to life in prison Tuesday morning for his failed Times Square car-bombing plot.

The Pakistani-born terrorist, speaking before learning he would die behind bars, warned Americans to "brace yourself" for future attacks.

"The defeat of the U.S. must and will happen in the near future," Shahzad declared, adding that the attacks were just Muslims defending themselves.

"If you call us terrorists for doing that, than we are proud terrorists," said Shahzad, wearing a white skull cap and a blue prison-issued outfit.

The sentence in Manhattan Federal Court came just five months after Shahzad parked an explosives-laden SUV on W. 46th St. in the Theater District - and tried to detonate it.

"You are a young man, and you will have a lot of time to reflect on what you have done and what you have said today," Federal Judge Miriam Cedarbaum said in handing down the life term.

The judge, in a brief back and forth, had earlier asked Shahzad about the oath he took when becoming a naturalized U.S. citizen.

"I did swear but I did not mean it," Shahzad replied.

"So you took a false oath?" the judge asked.

"Yes," he replied.

The unusually quick terror case turnaround followed Shahzad's unrelenting admissions to his role in the plot to kill dozens of tourists and theatergoers on a Saturday night in May.

"I want to plead guilty and I'm going to plead guilty a hundred times forward," Shahzad said when entering his plea on June 21.

The onetime resident of suburban Connecticut, a married father of two, declared himself "a Muslim soldier."

Prosecutors said Shahzad, 31, was already plotting a second attack if his Times Square bombing came off as planned.

Shahzad was arrested at Kennedy Airport two days after the May 1 bombing bid while sitting aboard a Dubai-bound plane.

"It's only right that Faisal Shahzad forfeit his freedom for life after trying to forfeit the lives of innocent New Yorkers forever," said Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly.

Shahzad was trained and funded by Tehrik-e-Taliban, a militant group in his homeland known as the Pakistani Taliban.

Three Pakistani men were later arrested on charges they arranged introductions for Shahzad to leaders of the militant group.

"The case of Faisal Shahzad demonstrates the global scope of the terrorist threat. Distinctions between home-grown and foreign terrorists are blurred when a U.S. citizen travels to Pakistan to learn bomb-making from a known terrorist organization, then returns to the U.S. and receives financial backing from the overseas organization," said FBI Assistant Director-in-Charge Janice K. Fedarcyk.


Big Bob said...

You seem to have this all wrong. He is the local tea party leader and is really really upset over health insurance or Obama/

Holger Awakens said...


You have me rolling here!


:Holger Danske