Sunday, September 19, 2010

U.S. Predator Drone Strike Kills 5 Taliban In North Waziristan, the 14th Drone Strike in 19 Days

The CIA took a couple of days off to reload, rest, restrategize and then this morning came out with a fresh new UAV strike in North Waziristan, hitting a Taliban compound killing 5. And one starts to wonder if aerial photographs of North Waziristan wouldn't actually start showing a faint color of red covering the landscape.

The rain of hellfires down on North Waziristan and Pakistan in general this month of September is unprecedented and one has to believe that many of the Taliban and al Qaeda and Haqqani Network fighters are in immediate search of a new place to hang out - their problem is that Afghanistan isn't as safe as it was three months ago and the neighboring provinces and agencies have a lot of Pakistani troops in them. Quite a box we find our little Taliban buddies in.

A real shame, isn't it?

Here's the story from DAWN.

US missile kills 5 militants in Pakistan

MIR ALI: Intelligence officials say a suspected US missile strike has killed five alleged militants in northwestern Pakistan.

The officials say Sunday’s strike targeted a house belonging to a local militant in the town of Datta Khel in the North Waziristan tribal area. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to the media.

There have been at least 14 suspected US missile strikes this month, the most intense barrage since they began in 2004. — AP

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