Thursday, September 16, 2010

United Nations Tries Once Again To Force Israel To Have Nukes Inspected

You know, there is no agency in the world more corrupt than the United Nations' IAEA (Internation Atomic Energy Agency) and once again, this band of islamic terrorists is putting the pressure on for Israel to have to sign one of its pacts and succumb to IAEA nuclear inspections - you know, the nuclear inspections that they DON'T do in Iran? You know, those nuclear inspections that they had no clue about doing in Syria?

From the article at Breitbart:

The United States warned Thursday that adopting another resolution on Israel's nuclear capabilities at next week's general meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency could "threaten" the Middle East peace process.
At a regular IAEA Board of Governors meeting, U.S. envoy Glyn Davies rebuffed calls by Arab nations for a vote on a resolution urging Israel to join the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty during the General Conference starting next Monday. A similar resolution was adopted at the Vienna-based agency's annual meeting in September 2009.
Last year's resolution about Israel's nuclear capabilities called on the country to join the NPT and bring its nuclear facilities under IAEA inspections. It was the first time such a resolution had been adopted at an IAEA General Conference since 1991.
It's obvious that this resolution would be totally ignored by Israel but the fact that the damn Arabs keep trying with it is beyond the pale. They basically tell Israel - we want to document all of your nuclear weapons and facilities and then send that information on to the likes of the mullahs in Iran and the governments of Syria, Egypt and Saudi Arabia and in return, we'll continue our program of getting the muslim countries set up with nuclear weapons.

If the whole situation wasn't so damn ominous, it would be laughable.

IAEA resolution on Israel could 'threaten' Mideast peace process: U.S.+

U.S.+ (AP) - VIENNA, Sept. 16 (Kyodo)—The United States warned Thursday that adopting another resolution on Israel's nuclear capabilities at next week's general meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency could "threaten" the Middle East peace process.
At a regular IAEA Board of Governors meeting, U.S. envoy Glyn Davies rebuffed calls by Arab nations for a vote on a resolution urging Israel to join the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty during the General Conference starting next Monday. A similar resolution was adopted at the Vienna-based agency's annual meeting in September 2009.

Adopting it "could send a very bad signal" to peace talks in the Middle East and "could threaten these talks," Davies told reporters.

"Our view of the proposed resolution on Israeli nuclear capability is that now is not the time, and the IAEA is not the place for this resolution," he said, adding that it would "negate and undercut" results achieved at an U.N. conference reviewing the NPT held in New York in May.

Last year's resolution about Israel's nuclear capabilities called on the country to join the NPT and bring its nuclear facilities under IAEA inspections. It was the first time such a resolution had been adopted at an IAEA General Conference since 1991.

Israel's nuclear capabilities remain of concern to many countries as it is not a party to the NPT and as the agency has only limited access to its nuclear facilities. Jerusalem is widely assumed to have a nuclear arsenal, which it has never confirmed or denied.

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