This is a tremendous article from over at Family Security Matters written by Edmund Standing from Britain - he takes head on, the myths of multiculturalism, the evils of the white liberals and what their "racist" position really means and details exactly the threat they pose to the continuation of Western society.
This is a lengthy article and I encourage you to read it in its entirety - I won't excerpt the entire article below due to space constraints but I do want to point out a few things that I feel Standing makes clear here (these are my take on his points):
1. White liberals have a view of racism that is completely out of the realm of normal reason - for example, how can a bias towards islamists be deemed "racist?"
2. White liberals stand fast to "equality for all" yet are the first to thrown down the attack on the religious views of a majority of people.
3. White liberals have hijacked the notion of a people making informed decisions and pigeon-holed that into "discrimination" or "racism."
4. Whiter liberals simply are racists - thus, their attack on Western society is formed by their own racist ideas that are then projected on all others.
This is an important dialogue in that it finally gets down underneath the skin of the Liberal and Progressive psych - it peels away the onion and gets to the real guts of what motivates these people. When is the last time you heard anyone from the MSM actually confront an Al Sharpton and ask him directly if his reactions to certain incidents aren't because of his inner prejudice and racist views of caucasians? When is the last time a politician with a multicultural agenda was questioned about how he is actually placing more importance on the minority culture than the majority culture?
This is a lengthy article and I encourage you to read it in its entirety - I won't excerpt the entire article below due to space constraints but I do want to point out a few things that I feel Standing makes clear here (these are my take on his points):
1. White liberals have a view of racism that is completely out of the realm of normal reason - for example, how can a bias towards islamists be deemed "racist?"
2. White liberals stand fast to "equality for all" yet are the first to thrown down the attack on the religious views of a majority of people.
3. White liberals have hijacked the notion of a people making informed decisions and pigeon-holed that into "discrimination" or "racism."
4. Whiter liberals simply are racists - thus, their attack on Western society is formed by their own racist ideas that are then projected on all others.
This is an important dialogue in that it finally gets down underneath the skin of the Liberal and Progressive psych - it peels away the onion and gets to the real guts of what motivates these people. When is the last time you heard anyone from the MSM actually confront an Al Sharpton and ask him directly if his reactions to certain incidents aren't because of his inner prejudice and racist views of caucasians? When is the last time a politician with a multicultural agenda was questioned about how he is actually placing more importance on the minority culture than the majority culture?
White Liberals and Politically Correct Racism
Edmund Standing
The white liberal is an unhealthy type of creature that you will undoubtedly have encountered, if not in real life, certainly via the media. By ‘liberal’, I do not mean simply someone who has a generally liberal outlook, in the sense of a ‘live and let live’ philosophy, nor do I mean liberals in the sense of the classical liberals of the conservative tradition. By ‘white liberal’, I mean a white Western individual who is likely to come from a middle class background and have a university education, considers him or herself to be both ‘left-wing’ and socially ‘liberal’, and almost certainly reads The Guardian or The Independent. White liberals espouse an artificial and pretentious form of ‘egalitarianism’, a patronising and hypocritical approach to ethnic minorities and non-Western cultures, and – in a re-hash of the notion of the ‘white man’s burden’ – devote themselves to a delusional Messianism in which they seek to ‘save the world’ through protesting against war (in real terms, protesting against non-white people having a chance at freedom and democracy), Israel (the one truly liberal society in the Middle East), globalisation (thereby opposing the one great vehicle by which poorer nations can develop), and so on, while making themselves feel and look ‘good’ by flaunting their pious support for campaigns to end poverty in the Third World (which will do no such thing, as Dambisa Moyo, Stephen Pollard, Marian L. Tupy, and others rightly point out ), and boasting about how ‘progressive’ they are by showing ‘solidarity’ with genocidal Islamists in Gaza.
White liberals, despite viewing themselves as intelligent and open-minded, are actually some of the most illiberal and narrow-minded people in society today. Their reactions to the idea that anyone might think differently to them range from gut-wrenching despair to pure hatred of the kind seen in the most fanatical of ‘true believers’. White liberals are, by and large, incapable of serious adult debate (preferring innuendo and accusations of bigotry), or of dealing with the fact that not everyone will agree with them (despite their supposed love of pluralism and a multiplicity of different ‘voices’), and tend to see any view which deviates from their cultic leftist script as a form of irredeemable moral evil. White liberals do not base their world-view on rational analysis and sensible argument, but instead on an almost religious faith that they possess the ‘truth’, and just as we see in so many fundamentalist religious cults and sects, the devotees of the white liberal faith burn with hatred for the ‘sin’ that surrounds them, and indeed, all too often for the ‘sinners’ themselves. White liberals, who are the intellectual equivalent of stroppy, rebellious teenagers, have sought to subvert and undermine Western civilisation, and some offer support for authoritarian and even terrorist movements as part of their attack on ‘racism’ and ‘colonialism’.
White liberals approach issues of race and racism from an essentially irrational, moralistic standpoint. White liberals do not simply judge racism to be based on bad thinking and criticise it for its illogical collectivism. Instead, white liberals make the issue of racism, as with other issues, all about them. White liberals have colonised the discourse of racism and anti-racism because it offers them an opportunity to boast of the superiority of their virtue and to demonstrate their purity and holiness through ostentatious and vacuous public displays of self-flagellation. Just as early Christianity imbued adherents with a deep sense of guilt and sinfulness, so the white liberal finds in reflecting on the history of white racism the opportunity to both revel in the guilt of the sinner and to make atonement through ‘anti-racist’ initiatives, thereby offering them the opportunity to further present themselves as a holy elite tasked with saving the world. And just as at various points in the history of Christianity an overarching sense of guilt derived from an intense awareness of, and obsession with, the supposedly inherent sinfulness of human beings and of the ‘world’ led ‘holy’ men and women to conclude that the path to holiness is found in the hatred of self, world, and the human condition, white liberals indulge in a form of self-hatred which is designed to project the image of penitence and sanctity, while actually being transparently pretentious, self-aggrandising, and destructive.
The most dangerous? No.
Suicidal buffoons? Yes.
Let them kill themselves. Just don't let them suck the rest of us into their mysticism. They drank the kool-aid and now Darwin speaks. After they're gone, we just need to sanitize the culture of their memes. And good-riddance.
I like that sanitation idea.
A lot.
:Holger Danske
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