Monday, August 9, 2010

Taliban Execute Pregnant Woman In Afghanistan - 3 Shots To The Head

Okay, we now have atrocity #23,489 that can be pinned on the islamic terror group, the today in Afghanistan, Taliban jihadis put a gun to the head of an Afghan woman, pregnant she was, and shot three times ending her life. Her crime? She was accused of adultery. Oh, I almost forgot...before the Taliban blew her head off, they flogged her with over 200 lashings.

From the report at DAWN:

The Taliban publicly flogged and then executed a pregnant Afghan widow by emptying three shots into her head for alleged adultery, police said on Monday.

Bibi Sanubar, 35, was kept in captivity for three days before she was shot dead in a public trial on Sunday by a local Taliban commander in the Qadis district of the rural western province Badghis.

The Taliban accused Sanubar of having an “illicit affair” that left her pregnant. She was first punished with 200 lashes in public before being shot, deputy provincial police chief Ghulam Mohammad Sayeedi told AFP.

“She was shot in the head in public while she was still pregnant,” Sayeedi said.

The execution is a grim reminder of the Taliban's harsh six-year rule from 1996 to 2001 in Afghanistan. The radical extremists staged public stonings or lashings of those found to have committed adultery or sex outside marriage.

I would suggest that all of you print out this story, stick it in your wallet or handbag, and save it for the next time that anyone...ANYONE calls your criticism of Sharia Law, "islamophobic." This IS Sharia Law, folks. I know a lot of people are hearing of it for the first time...but at the same time, we've actually had one state, Oklahoma, put a ban of Sharia Law onto their state books.

I'd like to explain something about the Taliban and their version of Sharia Law - the Taliban not only enforce Sharia Law to the hilt because of their wahabbi type regard of the Qur'an but they use it as a terror tactic in maintaining control over the population. You will note that these executions aren't done in a back alley or in the darkest gallows of a prison - hell no, they are done in the public square with civilians FORCED to attend and watch. It is community terror.

Now, let's keep in mind that the next time one of the Taliban jihadis decides he's horny enough and can't find a 10 year old boy to molest, he might just grab a local woman and have his way with her - whether he later charges her with adultery is probably up to his mood at the time.

These are not human beings, people...I've said it until I'm blue in the face - if you literally opened the Gates of Hell this afternoon and loosed the minions onto the Earth - you would see the first faces of those are the Taliban. They cannot be simply defeated in Afghanistan and Pakistan, they need to be exterminated - down to the very last matter how high the mountain top is that they flee to, they must be erased from this planet.

Taliban execute pregnant woman in Afghanistan

HERAT: The Taliban publicly flogged and then executed a pregnant Afghan widow by emptying three shots into her head for alleged adultery, police said on Monday.

Bibi Sanubar, 35, was kept in captivity for three days before she was shot dead in a public trial on Sunday by a local Taliban commander in the Qadis district of the rural western province Badghis.

The Taliban accused Sanubar of having an “illicit affair” that left her pregnant. She was first punished with 200 lashes in public before being shot, deputy provincial police chief Ghulam Mohammad Sayeedi told AFP.

“She was shot in the head in public while she was still pregnant,” Sayeedi said.

The execution is a grim reminder of the Taliban's harsh six-year rule from 1996 to 2001 in Afghanistan. The radical extremists staged public stonings or lashings of those found to have committed adultery or sex outside marriage.

The then-Taliban government would also chop off the hands and feet of those accused of theft and robbery.

Local Taliban commander Mohammad Yousuf carried out the execution, Sayeedi said, before the woman's body was dumped in an area under government control.

The man who allegedly had an affair with Sanubar has not been punished.

Head of Badghis provincial council Mohammad Nasir Nazaari confirmed the execution and said the Qadis district is entirely under Taliban control.

The deputy head of the religious council for western Afghanistan, Mohammad Kabaabiani, said the execution ran counter to Islamic principles.

Head of the Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission in western Afghanistan, Abdul Qadir Rahimi, condemned the killing.

“Any such trial is unacceptable and is a violation of human rights. All trials must take place in an authorised court observing every single measure of justice,” said Rahimi.

Since their ouster in 2001, the hardline Taliban militants have executed many people they accused of spying for foreign forces, including at least one woman who was shot dead in Kandahar.

The insurgents last year publicly executed a young couple accused of eloping in Nimroz province with a firing squad in front of a mosque.

1 comment:

in the vanguard said...

What was their rush? Could they not wait for her to deliver? Did they do an ultrasound and find the fetus to be female, is that it?

Look how far a community can go towards perversion! It's mind-boggling. Look how far a madman's book can lead nations to become depraved! Is this not incredible?