Thursday, August 19, 2010

New Poll Reveals That 20% of Americans Think Obama Is Muslim, Those Thinking He Is Christian Falls 50%

A new poll is out regarding the American peoples' perception of Barack Hussein Obama's religion with 20% of those responding thinking he is a muslim.

Let's take a look at the verbage of this AFP report at Breitbart:

A new poll has found one in five Americans mistakenly believes that President Barack Obama is Muslim, the Washington Post reported Thursday.
Despite Obama's attendance in church and his repeated and public statements about his Christian faith, the number of Americans who believe he is actually Muslim is rising, the Pew Research Center poll found.

Meanwhile, the number of Americans who correctly identify Obama as a Christian has fallen by nearly half from a year ago, to 34 percent

The number of independent voters with the same mistaken belief has also risen, by eight points, to 18 percent, the Post said.
Okay, the first thing I'd like to point out is how many times this AFP report uses the word "mistakenly" - is this a news report or is this an editorial? Or is it meant to be an opinion changer?

Now, a couple of other things to point out - look at the line that says "despite Obama's attendance in church" question is WHAT attendance? This clown has been in church, as far as I can recall, no more than four times in one year, eight months of his presidency. And it might even be three times. So when the number of people saying he is Christian falls like that, it might have something to do that Obama has simply not shown that without any showings at a church service - by the way, the "America is no longer just a Christian nation" comment of his probably didn't do much to prop up that number either.

As for the increase in "muslim" choices by respondent - well, one has to believe that if someone had come across as this sympathetic towards Islam as Obama has, it is understandable that people would think he shares that belief system.

Personally, I do not think Obama is a muslim - I think he follows his communist upbringing of atheism - I think Obama views Islam as a revolt - he sees Islam as a "movement" that should be supported.

Poll finds 20% in US believe Obama is Muslim

A new poll has found one in five Americans mistakenly believes that President Barack Obama is Muslim, the Washington Post reported Thursday.
Despite Obama's attendance in church and his repeated and public statements about his Christian faith, the number of Americans who believe he is actually Muslim is rising, the Pew Research Center poll found.

Meanwhile, the number of Americans who correctly identify Obama as a Christian has fallen by nearly half from a year ago, to 34 percent

The Post said the poll found one third of conservative Republicans believe Obama is a Muslim, nearly double the figure who said so last year.

The number of independent voters with the same mistaken belief has also risen, by eight points, to 18 percent, the Post said.

The poll was taken before Obama waded into a bitter dispute last week over plans for a mosque and interfaith centers just blocks from the New York site of the September 11, 2001 attacks.

Obama said Friday that US principles protecting freedom of religion should apply equally to all faiths, and that Muslims should be able to worship freely in the United States.

But a day later he added that his comments were not intended to pass judgement on the wisdom of building a mosque near Ground Zero.

Of those who said they believe Obama is Muslim, 60 percent said they had learned about his religion from the media.

But White House officials told the Post that mistaken impressions about Obama's faith were the result of "misinformation campaigns" being waged by his opponents.

"While the president has been diligent and personally committed to his own Christian faith, there's certainly folks who are intent on spreading falsehoods about the president and his values and beliefs," faith adviser Joshua DuBois said.


Hampton's Redshirt said...

Clearly Obama is not a muslim

he is so narcissistic that he only worships himself

he has no need of allah

sofa said...


Holger Awakens said...


Great take on this.


All I can say is..."Classic sofaisms"

:Holger Danske