Friday, August 6, 2010 Calls For Boycott of Target Stores Over Contribution To MN GOP Governor Candidate

Target Corporation, headquartered in Minnesota, decided that it was time that they stop paying a huge price for doing business in a Leftist, communist-run state, so they decided to help fund the campaign of Tom Emmer, who is the GOP candidate for Governor. Target gave $150,000. Actually, Target gave the money to another organization friendly to business and it was then given by that organization to Emmer's campaign.

It didn't take long for to catch wind of it and so now, the Leftist organization has decided that certainly a company in America CAN'T freely support a conservative candidate so they arranged for protests at Target's headquarters today and have a petition and campaign for people to boycott Target stores nationwide. One of the angles the MoveOn folks are taking on this is that the candidate, Emmer, is against gay marriage so obviously, to MoveOn, that makes Target stores ANTI-gay! These people at MoveOn are complete freaks - go to YouTube and watch some videos of their protests - they're usually a combination of filthy hippies from the 60's and miscreant young people that couldn't hack it at the anarchist organizations.

I feel the need to repeat this -'s leadership has decided that they know who corporations should be supporting in elections this year and if a company decides to back a conservative, well ...that company will face a shakedown which would almost make Jesse Jackson blush.

Folks, the communists are out in full force - I'd say this - perhaps we all outta make a trip to the nearest Target this weekend for some sundry know, fill those parking lots know, show Target a 25% increase in sales for making the right decision.

By the way, the CEO of Target apologized yesterday for the decision - in case you didn't think that the shake downs don't work anymore...

Here's the link to the petition - I've excerpted the verbage from their site below.

Target, stop trying to buy elections!

The retail company Target just gave over $150,000 to buy ads supporting a far-right Republican candidate for governor in Minnesota.
That's bad enough. But the stakes are much higher than one candidate and one company. If we don't push back hard, this will just be the tip of the iceberg. Other corporations will learn that they can pour money into elections to buy the outcome they want. So we're sending a message to Target's CEO that we won't shop there if Target continues spending money on elections.
A compiled petition with your individual comment will be presented to Target CEO Greg Steinhafel.

Sign the Petition
Full petition text:

"I won't shop at Target until it stops spending money on elections. Companies like Target should stay out of elections, period."
*Your Name:
Your Street Address:
State: *Zip:
Your message to Target CEO Greg Steinhafel: (optional)

After you click the button below, we'll send your name, address, and comment to Target CEO Greg Steinhafel.


Lysol said...

Target is building a giant store in downtown Seattle. Booyah!

Anonymous said...

Kirly is right. The apology blew it. Besides, Target bowed to Islam a few years ago when they caved such that the muslim checkers didn't have to scan the bacon.

Anonymous said...

Target? The gay friendly Target? Target that refuses to allow Salvation Army bell ringers? Sounds like Crips v. Bloods, Alien v. Predator.