Tuesday, August 10, 2010

IDF Soldiers Told Not To Eat, Smoke or Drink In Front of Muslims During Ramadan

Well, I had to read this story twice to believe it. But apparently the IDF higher ups have released an order to IDF soldiers telling them to be sensitive to the muslim holiday of Ramadan where muslims refrain from eating and other life's pleasures and necessities and said soldiers are not to eat, smoke or drink in front of muslims if at all possible.

You know, this sounds like some kind of crock of shit that some commie islamic-appeaser in the Obama administration would come up with, not the likes of the IDF leadership.

Here's some of the story from Israel National News:

Instructions issued by the IDF for the Muslim month of Ramadan forbid soldiers from eating, drinking or smoking in front of the Arabs of Judea and Samaria. A statement issued by the IDF Spokesman said that as the Muslim holiday approaches, representatives of the Civilian Administration "briefed the forces operating in the field about the holidays and customs of Ramadan.”

The grassroots Samaria Residents' Council was not happy with the instructions issued to the soldiers. “It is sad to see how the Minister of Defense shows such grand consideration for the Muslim faith, and at the same time sends IDF soldiers and Border Police to tear down synagogues, beat up rabbis of communities, issue demolition orders for yeshivas and drag Jewish youths by their earlocks.”

I don't know about you folks but I am utterly and completely sick and tired of the world's population having to adjust their damn lifestyle because there happen to be fucking muslims walking this Earth. I mean, give me a break here. We have how many Israeli families who bear the scars of islamic terror imposed upon their lives at some time or another? Whether it be during a war with Egypt or a suicide bombing by a Hamas terrorist or a Hezbollah rocket that struck an Israeli tank...the Israeli people and certainly the IDF have earned the right to not pay any homage to the ideology of Mo.

I am a Christian. I've gotten to experience seeing the likeness of my Messiah encased in a vile of urine, I've gotten to experience people ripping The Holy Bible to shreds, I've gotten to experience my sisters and brothers in this country and other countries across the world being slaughtered for their devotion to the Christ. And I have never lashed out, nor complained, nor protested over it. Because my faith is true, my faith is strong, and I was told by the Son and the Father to expect it.

But if you are a muslim who believes in the fairytale of the Qur'an and you are never at peace with yourself due to it, then the whole damn world has to accomodate your paranoia and insecurity.

It's my hope that the IDF leadership will reconsider this - those IDF soldiers sacrifice enough to protect the Israeli people to have to worry about what spot in the street they decide to grab a smoke or an afternoon snack.

Ramadan: Soldiers Told Not to Eat or Smoke in Front of Arabs

Instructions issued by the IDF for the Muslim month of Ramadan forbid soldiers from eating, drinking or smoking in front of the Arabs of Judea and Samaria. A statement issued by the IDF Spokesman said that as the Muslim holiday approaches, representatives of the Civilian Administration "briefed the forces operating in the field about the holidays and customs of Ramadan.”

"The soldiers were instructed to show greater consideration toward the residents, and to refrain as much as possible from eating, drinking and smoking in public in front of the population, especially at the crossing points, and to be alert and accommodating.”

Devout Muslims refrain from eating, drinking or smoking during the daytime hours of Ramadan.

Several checkpoints will operate until later hours because of Ramadan. In addition, first-degree relatives of Arabs living in pre-1967 Israel will be allowed to visit them for a one-week period during the month of Ramadan.

Two hundred entry permits for foreigners from Arab countries will be issued for “humanitarian cases.”

The grassroots Samaria Residents' Council was not happy with the instructions issued to the soldiers. “It is sad to see how the Minister of Defense shows such grand consideration for the Muslim faith, and at the same time sends IDF soldiers and Border Police to tear down synagogues, beat up rabbis of communities, issue demolition orders for yeshivas and drag Jewish youths by their earlocks.”

The Council asks: “Is he Ehud Barak or Ahmed Barak?”


sofa said...

as long as we agree to their demands and schedules and dietary and social calendar - they will not kill us this week....

Findalis said...

Actually this has been IDF policy since 1967. Trying to get along with their neighbors.

Like the IDF soldiers who use their own money to buy candy that they give to Muslim children when their parents send them out to throw rocks at soldiers.

Balancing The Books

This is one reason the IDF is called: The Most Humane Army In The World!

Anonymous said...

When is Ramadan? I need to know, so that I can make the extra effort to eat, smoke and drink in front of Muslims.

Anonymous said...

Ramadan is upon us now. Our soldiers ARE the most humane in the world, but how long can they be expected to always give more, risk more and take more abuse?