Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Malaysian Muslims Protest Hindu Temple Being Moved To Muslim Neighborhood...Ironic, Isn't It?

Not only were Malaysian muslims protesting a planned move of a Hindu temple to their muslim neighborhood but they were fined by the courts for their protest because they got a bit nasty with a cow. Apparently, in a muslim fit of anger over having an unwanted religious center erected in their midst (this is sounding a bit familiar, isn't it?)...the muslim protesters stomped and spat on the head of a cow...trying to intimidate the Hindus by abusing a sacred symbol

Hmmm....I guess in the muslim world, "what's good for the goose, is good for the gander" doesn't exactly apply does it?

Here's the story from Breitbart.

Malaysian court fines 12 Muslims over cow's head protest+

KUALA LUMPUR, July 27 (AP) - (Kyodo)—A Malaysian court on Tuesday fined 12 Muslim men and sentenced one to a week in jail for participating in a protest over a Hindu temple that involved a cow's head.
The 12 were among some 50 Malay-Muslims who demonstrated on Aug. 28 outside the Selangor state government's office in its capital Shah Alam to protest against the government's decision to relocate a Hindu temple to a Malay-Muslim majority neighborhood in the city.

They threatened bloodshed and stomped and spat on the head of the cow, an animal that is sacred to Hindus.

Malay-Muslims make up some 60 percent of Malaysia's 27 million population, with the rest comprised mostly of ethnic Chinese and Indians who are Christians, Buddhists, Hindus and Sikhs.

The Shah Alam Sessions Court fined the 12 men 1,000 ringgit (about $312) each after they pleaded guilty to a charge of illegal assembly. Any public gathering of more than five people without a police permit is deemed illegal in Malaysia.

Of the 12, the one who brought the cow's head to the protest and another who stepped on it also pleaded guilty to sedition. Both were fined an additional 3,000 ringgit, with the one who brought the cow's head being sentenced to a week in jail.

During a hearing on a bail application, the defense lawyer, Sallehuddin Saidin, had told the court, "My clients did not intend to insult other religion. For the Malays, a cow is a symbol of stupidity and not meant to offend any religion."

The Hindu temple has since been relocated to another area.

The incident is one in a series of interfaith disputes that has widened the gulf between Muslims and non-Muslims in the country.

Early this year, the country was rocked by a spate of firebomb attacks on Christian churches.

1 comment:

Sharku said...

Sallehuddin Saidin, had told the court, "My clients did not intend to insult other religion. For the Malays, a cow is a symbol of stupidity and not meant to offend any religion."

Just another smarmy lawyer insult.