Sunday, July 25, 2010

Just a Story About An American Patriot

By the looks of the title of this blogpost, some of you may have wanted or at least expected to read of some incredible example of a heroic act by an American and actually, this story will not disappoint you, but I have to warn you, this American patriot of whom I write would probably not meet your litmus test of a traditional patriot. But let me give you a little background, first.

In early 2009, I met this man in a Blog Talk Radio chat room where he had joined a number of us to discuss the outrageous election of Barack Hussein Obama - at first, he was just one in the crowd but as the months went along and I saw more and more of him in those chat rooms, I noticed a complete devotion to our Country - I was amazed at his grasp of the U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence and what was more amazing was how the truths and powers of those documents flowed from him so easily, so naturally.

I wouldn't say that along the way we actually became friends - we exchanged "howdys" in the chat rooms but nothing really more than that but there was this underlying respect that I had gained for this man.

Then came the preparations for the 9/12 Rally in Washington, D.C. last September. I made a decision to go out to this event as I felt that I simply had to be there. I ended up at a hotel with some friends and acquaintances I had made from several 912 organizations but whom I had never met. One of the first nights there in D.C., I went down to the hotel lobby and began to meet these people face to face for the first time - everyone was busy in the conference room making signs for the march on the Capitol , it was a beehive of activity. I met probably a dozen of people I had connected with so it was fun to put faces together with what formerly were just typed words.

I had just met one of the ladies I had chatted with many times and she touched me on the shoulder and said she wanted me to meet the man I have been discussing here. I turned to him and shook his hand and smiled and said, "We finally get to meet!" But to this day, I pray to G_d that my facial expression stayed strong - you see, this American patriot I had just met certainly didn't look like most of the other people there. And no, it had nothing to do with his skin color.

When we first meet someone, we often find out how wrong our idea of what they look like is - perhaps the person is shorter, or fatter, or older than we sensed but that fades very quickly as we enjoy a new found friend, no matter what. Well, as I started to chat with this man, this patriot, I was dealing with someone who would cause most people to stop and turn their heads to gawk a bit. No, I won't describe this in detail because it really isn't important but what I do want to stress is that this man deals with something each day that most of us don't have to and to this day, after that first meeting in September of 2009, I have NEVER once heard this man complain about his appearance, or whine about his challenges. What I have noticed is that his love of America, his desire to preserve all that makes this Country the best in the world and his voracity in attacking those wishing to destroy our Land....has never wavered. He's never felt sorry for himself, he's only felt sorry for the Americans so young they might not know what most of us have experienced. He's never lashed out at G_d for what he has had to endure from simply being born a certain way - no, he's laughed and smiled and enjoyed the freedom that America has given him.

I had the honor of spending some time with this man during a couple of days at 912 and with each day, my admiration of his spirit did nothing but grow and I truly saw past what had first taken me aback...and over those two days, I saw people look at him as he was next to me and I wanted to walk over to them and grab their hand and say, "you wouldn't believe what a great man he lucky we have him in our Country."

I'm not sure why I wrote this today people - I guess part of me is humbled by the gifts that G_d has given me. I guess I also feel bad for the days that I get down. Today, I was a little down on myself and how things were working out and I got a chance to see this man in a chat room. My blues instantly went away as this friend of mine went on and on and on about how fired he up is about his life, his efforts to take back America and the new friends he makes each day.

Hopefully, each of you will find someone like this at least once in your life - someone who will remind you that the soul of the man or the woman is what matters, and the rest is truly nothing. I am a better man for having met him and I'm blessed that he didn't walk away from me that first day.

To my friend, I wish you continued good health sir and all the best that life can give you. I truly thank you for giving me so many gifts and reminders that I am simply lucky to have been born in this wonderful Country.

1 comment:

~Christie~ said...

Typing thru tears here...
A dear dear person that has been there for me thru some dark days is slipping heart aches!!!

This song brings one "PEACE"!!!
"At Your Feet" by Casting Crowns

GOD Bless America & Our Troops...
silence is NOT an option!!!