Monday, July 26, 2010

It Is Time To Put the Final Nail In the Coffin of Socialism

This is simply one of the best articles I have ever read on the failed ideology of Socialism, here from Family Security Matters. With great detail, the socialism experiment in Europe is bulleted and hopefully, the majority of Americans will read this reminder as the socialist minions of America try to resurrect this catastrophic political system.

From the article:

Marx’s project, whether in its purer form of Soviet Communism engrafted, as it was, to Stalinist tyranny, or in its more benign form, Western European socialism, brought about the cultural and moral destruction European civilization. It undermined sound institutions. It ushered in a profound decadence. It degraded the citizen. It left its subjects helpless even to defend themselves in the face of foreign threat. Absent American power as a check, Western Europe would have voluntarily gone the way of Eastern Europe, undermined by its intellectuals, abandoned by its cultural leaders and sapped by its citizens’ self-indulgent desire for comfort without effort. Strength, itself, was discredited and Europeans were left irresolute, morally bankrupt, physically weak, economically feeble, culturally enervated and spiritually bereft. Decadence became fashionable as Europeans consumed the last of the great wealth created by their ancestors.

Even Europe now sees that socialism is not sustainable in the long term and it is beginning, haltingly, to make adjustments so the crash can be softened for those who surrendered their autonomy for security.

But the people are in rebellion. Socialism is fundamentally foreign to the American character, revolting to American sensibilities and completely at odds with America’s animating idea. The administration misread its mandate and voters show every sign that they will turn the governing party out come fall.
It is true that we have seen the Obama administration become the first in America to openly push the socialistic system - no, they haven't announced it publicly for fear of being hanged from lamp posts but the arrogance has been evident and the intentions are transparent, but what many of the media have missed along the way in trying to cover the Tea Party movement is that the "revolt" in America has been simply a huge NO to socialism. You see, the MSM has not wanted to open pandora's box in covering the Tea Parties because they simply could not afford to shed light on Barack Hussein Obama's socialistic agenda - they wanted Joe and Jane America to be fooled.

But the fact of the matter is this - the conservatives of America have pulled the black cloak of deceit off of this evil beast called Socialism and have exposed it to Main Street USA. But what has been missing in the dialogue in Congress and on the airwaves has been the question: "Give us one example of where this new system of governing has been successful, will you?"

This fight in America is not over, by any means but it's my contention that Socialism in America will be defeated - the only question is how many lawmakers will be paraded in public court to pay for it and how many reporters will commit suicide knowing they tried to usher in the beast.

The time is now to pound the final nail in the coffin of Karl Marx's grand experiment and just to be double sure it never rears its ugly head again, let's douse the coffin in gasoline and burn it.

Exclusive: Dawn of A New Epoch?

We stand at the threshold of a great new epoch. For a hundred and fifty years the world has suffered under the influence of a pernicious philosophy; one so fundamentally at odds with human freedom, so contrary to human nature that its preeminence is a testament to human will and mankind’s capacity for self-delusion on a grand scale. The wonder is not that it has survived so long. The wonder is that it survived at all. And, of course, it could not have done so absent the authoritarianism at its root.

Marx’s project, whether in its purer form of Soviet Communism engrafted, as it was, to Stalinist tyranny, or in its more benign form, Western European socialism, brought about the cultural and moral destruction European civilization. It undermined sound institutions. It ushered in a profound decadence. It degraded the citizen. It left its subjects helpless even to defend themselves in the face of foreign threat. Absent American power as a check, Western Europe would have voluntarily gone the way of Eastern Europe, undermined by its intellectuals, abandoned by its cultural leaders and sapped by its citizens’ self-indulgent desire for comfort without effort. Strength, itself, was discredited and Europeans were left irresolute, morally bankrupt, physically weak, economically feeble, culturally enervated and spiritually bereft. Decadence became fashionable as Europeans consumed the last of the great wealth created by their ancestors.

As Europe declined, the United States became the engine of world commerce with its freeing philosophy of self-reliance and individual responsibility. We offered freedom. We offered equality of opportunity but not a guarantee of outcome. We allowed people the freedom to succeed or fail spectacularly. We prized the energetic and the excellent; the creators and achievers. But we did not save them from themselves. And every one of us believed that with the freedom that is our birthright and the right effort, we, too, could succeed. We are willing to accept the risk of failure. That is why Americans continued to be dreamers long after Europeans ceased dreaming altogether.

It is unsurprising that socialism thrived in Europe. It had never had a tradition of freedom. Government had evolved as an instrument of control, not a protector of liberty. Freedom of expression was never seen as something inherent in man but as a grant by an indulgent government that could be withdrawn whenever and against whomever it wished. Europe’s tradition is authoritarianism; Europeans, comfortable without liberty. Unlike their American cousins, they have no basis in history or intellectual undergirding for believing they possess inherent rights.

The United States was founded on the principle that man is endowed by his creator with inherent liberty and that government’s only rationale is in the protection of freedom for the individual. We have never thought in terms of the collective, regardless of the vigor with which it has been urged upon us by intellectuals and academics. Socialism, truly, is a philosophy foreign to American culture and anathema to the American soul. But it has its adherents and even now they are moving toward an ideal that is as much at odds with American thought as it is contrary to human nature. This unnatural zeitgeist is finding home in the current administration even as it occupies a central place in the values of the political party that put it there.

It is on the wrong side of history.

The current global economic meltdown has revealed what many of us have known all along. Socialism does not work. It is a lesson we learned in this country at its very founding. Both Jamestown and Plymouth, the first permanent English colonies in the New World, were founded by idealists who adopted a theory of communal sharing that nearly destroyed both colonies. They found that when all share equally, some contribute less and those who contribute more will go on strike for the unfairness of their effort. The Jamestown experiment nearly failed until new leaders assumed the posture that would serve our nation well for the following several centuries: If you don’t work, you don’t eat. Self-reliance was seared into our souls like a brand.

So how has socialism survived all this time in Europe? Socialism can survive as long as it has at its service an expanding population from which to steal. Soviet socialism managed for many years by the gobbling up of vassal states. But as each in its turn descended into the pit of poverty wrought by it malign philosophy, new victims were needed for plunder. With firm opposition from the United States its relentless expansion ceased and its system collapsed. It could not sustain itself without the infusion of new resources.

Europe could sustain its socialism as long as it had a semblance of capitalism on which to feed and an expanding population from which to steal. Small populations were succeeded by expanding younger generations who could afford to part with acceptable amounts of earned money to pay for those who did not lend their shoulders to the commonweal. But increasing numbers of the lazy and worthless as well as the ever expansion of richer and richer benefits, began to eat away at the spirit of the ambitious few who still thought it made sense to do productive work.

Expanding benefits and the size of government were accompanied by the strangulation of industry as the incessant choking of the goose that lay the golden egg resulted in relocation or the destruction of business.

Then came the coup de grace. Comfortable in a reduced, but tolerable, standard of living but understanding that even that standard could be breached for the worse with the generation of new mouths to feed, populations began to collapse. Concerns for personal comfort became a higher priority than the traditional cultural values of family and child rearing.

This was accompanied, in fact rationalized and ushered in, by the acceptance in western societies of the myth of the population bomb and concomitant predictions of world famine perpetrated by socialist twits like Stanford Professor Paul Erlich whose professional life is distinguished by the fact that he has been wrong in almost everything he has ever written. His utter theoretical failure is a remarkable, indeed, monumental accomplishment as most theorists get at least something right in careers as long as his has been. But his writing prompted a global effort toward zero population growth, encouraged, of course, by the United Nations, among many others, which proclaimed that Dr. Erlich’s science was “settled”.

The combination of all of these forces began to reveal fissures in the socialist project which needed ever more esoteric tricks to keep from failing. But the fissures can no longer be ignored. The current economic unpleasantness has now revealed for all to see what Americans learned three centuries ago: socialism does not work.

That is the promise of tomorrow.

We are witnessing no less than the death of a malign and immoral philosophy that has dominated public thought and policy for more than a century. We are witness to the final discrediting of Marx and the earlier French and German socialist philosophers; the death throes of platonic theory. Even Europe now sees that socialism is not sustainable in the long term and it is beginning, haltingly, to make adjustments so the crash can be softened for those who surrendered their autonomy for security.

This is an historic opportunity if we can seize it. The collapse of European socialism must necessarily result in an alternative that some of its governments are beginning to explore. They see that the greatest current font of economic vitality is in China, of all places, where a free wheeling, capitalist economy has taken hold. They see vast wealth being created and accumulated and observe that there are, as in all competitive enterprises, winners and losers. And they are beginning to understand that it is okay. They perceive the accumulation of great national wealth and vast economic power represented by the rise of China as a world power in just one generation and they know that unfettered capitalism is the engine of its growth.

Now, European governments, formerly so committed to the socialist ideal, are developing strategies to scale back their rich social programs. Many are beginning to understand that their assault on industry through taxation and regulation has been counterproductive and are beginning to question whether adjustments can be made to encourage enterprise. All are contemplating deep cuts in government.

It is a good start. But it will not be enough unless they begin to question the basic rationale for government and understand that, long term, only a commitment to liberty, individual and economic, will ensure prosperity. They must get unions under control by repealing legislation that favors them at the expense of business enterprise and unless they dismantle the overwhelming EU regulatory scheme, any hope for the promotion of economic freedom will die aborning. Among other impediments to renewed prosperity is also their sentimental attachment to environmental radicalism and it must be overcome.

Perhaps their biggest challenge will be in discrediting the intellectual fashion that continues to infect the body politic and a restoration cultural confidence. More difficult, still, will be a spiritual revival through a renewed celebration of western civilization and a muscular defense of European culture as the greatest generator of civilizational progress in history. It will be difficult to restore confidence lost over generations of intellectual attack, but it can be done with pride in continental history. We are seeing the faint stirrings of a return of cultural certitude in European resistance to Islam’s insistent soft invasion and social aggression.

Europe has a generational opportunity to reinvent itself by dismantling its unsustainable welfare state, rejecting the socialist economic model, borrowing a page from China in implementing the American capitalism that used to be the hallmark of our nation and learning the lessons of liberty from their progeny across the Atlantic.

Ironically, the one nation that stood as the bulwark against socialist authoritarianism is the only one that appears to be moving in the wrong direction: the United States. Ignoring the clear message from Europe, the current administration and the party that supports it is bent on adopting the most expensive and destructive elements of the European socialist model. What has broken the bank in Europe is what will break the bank here and the irresponsible policies championed by this administration already stifle growth and have put off recovery indefinitely.

It is promoting unionism at the sacrifice of economic growth and is imposing new and ever more intrusive industrial regulation that approaches the worst of the EU. It is ramping up destructive environmental regulation and threatens to strangle any possibility of business recovery – the only means of ever funding any level of government, much less generating prosperity – by dramatically increased taxation.

But the people are in rebellion. Socialism is fundamentally foreign to the American character, revolting to American sensibilities and completely at odds with America’s animating idea. The administration misread its mandate and voters show every sign that they will turn the governing party out come fall.

This is the time of our greatest opportunity. For the first time in a century all signs are pointed in the same direction. Freedom of enterprise has been vindicated and muscular government and individual entitlement have been discredited. Socialism has resoundingly failed and most recognize it. Now is the time to dismantle it and build anew with new assumptions and on a new foundation of freedom. Now is the time that we can point to the failure of a century long experiment in Marxism, soft and hard. Now we can, for the first time, lead the world into a new epoch of liberty and self-reliance confident in the knowledge that the American idea has been right all along.

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