Friday, July 23, 2010

Canada's Liberal Leader Announces That He Will Fight For Minorities' Right To Receive Jobs They Don't Deserve

The Canadian government has made a push to abolish affirmative action due to the fact that it truly discriminates against people getting a job that they rightfully deserve and that has drawn out the leader of Canada's most liberal faction, Michael Ignatieff, who promptly made a speech assuring minorities that if he has his way, they will all get jobs at the expense of those that are more qualified, more deserving.

I think we call it quotas.

By the way, I searched a bit but just can't seem to find an example of Michael Ignatieff turning down a job in his life in order for a minority person to take his place. If you truly believe in this, Mr. Ignatieff, why haven't you bowed out in favor of a minority? that just for US to do?

Here's the story at Breitbart.

Liberal leader comes out swinging on affirmative action before multiethnic crowd

Leader Michael Ignatieff, in a speech to party supporters today, took aim at a government move to end race-based hiring policies.

Standing in one of Montreal's, and Canada's, most ethnically diverse neighbourhoods, Ignatieff said every Canadian should have a right to work in the public service.

The government argues, however, that current policies actually limit some people's rights.

The Conservatives have ordered a review of policies where minorities are given preferential treatment for some jobs.

Ignatieff told his audience that Conservative policies seek to pit Canadians against each other.

He also championed immigrants' work ethic in his speech to the multicultural crowd.

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