Sunday, July 11, 2010

Are You An American, or Do You Just Live Here?

This is an absolutely fantastic article coming from The American Thinker that really addresses what is going on in this country - there has never been such an upsurge in patriotism in America as of right now as illegal immigration has come to the forefront and during a time when we have a political leadership in Washington, D.C. that is certainly steering the country down a road to explicit socialism.

We have seen exactly what happens to a country when a wave of immigration brings people who really have no desire to become vibrant citizens of that country - we have seen this consistently in Europe with the muslim immigrants. And now, with the assault on America by undocumented aliens, we are finding huge numbers of people that potentially could become U.S. citizens with absolutely no love for this country and certainly no allegiance to it.

Never before have we seen such a large number of "Americans" who view this Land as one of entitlement, rather than opportunity - more come to America now feeling they are "due" something than those who used to come here hoping for only a chance at freedom and prosperity.

Let me just point this out - there's a test of citizenship that is administered to those seeking citizenship in America. The traditional immigrant applicants of years ago studied day and night by the light of a whale oil candle distraught over the chance that they might not pass this test. Today's "immigrants" take that test flippantly and instead of worrying about failing, figure that if they were to fail, can just whine and complain about the unfairness of the questions (and hire a lawyer to charge in court that the test was prejudiced against their background). Or, I guess there is the other group of potential immigrants who came to America illegally that figure they'll just bypass the whole test to begin with as long as they pledge their allegiance and their vote to the Leftists in America.
(Hat Tip: ploome)

Are You an American, or Do You Just Live Here?

Our country has become a country of Americans and other people who just live here. It pains me because I believe that this will change our nation from greatness to mediocrity.

I saw the flag wave as I stood at attention during the playing of our national anthem. It was simply sublime. I could see the tears well up in the eyes of my brother, a twenty-year Army veteran. I could feel the tears in my own eyes. The song pulled at the heartstrings of every member of our family. But not everyone in the crowd felt that way. Not everyone is moved by the ring of freedom.

There are six children in my family, and four of us have served our country. We have uncles who have served, and my grandfathers served. We have a long history of service. There are few citizens in this country who can't find a military member in their lineage. I say "citizens" because this is where I will clarify my statements.

People in our families have served and served with pride in their hearts. When the anthem plays, they remember loved ones and friends who died for this great country and feel proud to have known them. They remember that freedom is not free.

When I watch the news and I see that more of our soldiers have died on foreign ground, it chills me to the bone. It causes my heart to ache for the families and loved ones who have sacrificed it all for our freedom. It has been said that our country is great because "all gave some and some gave all." However, our country is not made up that way anymore.

What has happened to our country? We have become a country of entitlement. Liberals tell us we should allow the illegal immigrants to come here because they are just coming to feed their children, that if you were starving, you would come here, too. They say they are not hurting anyone.

I am here to tell you they are hurting someone. They are hurting us. When Ellis Island was receiving immigrants in record numbers, the people who came to this country came because they wanted to be Americans; they kissed the ground and prayed thanks to God for getting them to this great country and allowing them its vast opportunities. They had to endure great evils and hardships to get here, but they did so happily. They learned our language, and they wanted to assimilate into our culture. They loved America and became Americans.

Now, we are receiving record numbers of illegal immigrants. These people who do not respect our country enough to enter the country properly and legally. They do not care that we have laws, and they bring their own culture here. Many of them do not respect our flag; in fact, they burn it and spit on it in public, periodically. These people are not coming here to be a part of our great country. They want us to learn their language, they want our jobs, and they send money back to support their economy. They do not even plan to assimilate. They will take what they can from our country and leave when it is convenient. These people are weakening our country.

So I say to you: There is a difference between the people who live in America and the people who are Americans. If you are an American, then you should be truly outraged at what is being allowed to happen to our country! You should feel angry over how undeserving people are receiving the freedom and rights that you and your loved ones have fought for and died for. You should feel sad because so many people no longer remember that being an American is really about, and they are all right with settling for just living in America.

Ask yourself. Do I deserve to be here? Do I love this great nation which is unlike any other? Or do I simply reside here? Freedom is not free, and it is not an entitlement. Freedom is ours because of people who loved this country and loved the principles of this country so much that they gave everything they had.

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