Tuesday, June 15, 2010

We're ALL Gary Brooks Faulkner Today

I love this story. I'll let Breitbart describe it if you haven't heard it yet...

An American man has been detained in the mountains of Pakistan after Pakistani authorities found him carrying a sword, pistol and night-vision goggles on a Rambo-style solo mission to hunt down and kill Osama bin Laden.
Friends and family say construction worker Gary Brooks Faulkner is a devout, good-humored Christian who has traveled widely in that part of the world.

"We initially laughed when he told us that he wanted to kill Osama bin Laden," Khan said. But when officers seized the weapons and night-vision equipment, "our suspicion grew." He said the American was trying to cross into the nearby Afghan region of Nuristan.

Khan said Faulkner told investigators he was angry after the Sept. 11 attacks in the United States.

"I think Osama is responsible for bloodshed in the world, and I want to kill him," Khan quoted him as saying.

When asked why he thought he had a chance of tracing bin Laden, Faulkner replied, "God is with me, and I am confident I will be successful in killing him," Khan said.

So, off across the mountains of Pakistan and up to the border of Afghanistan Gary Brooks Faulkner went, trudging away, trying to get done what two Presidential administrations couldn't get done and over 100,000 NATO troops can't get done - take out Osama bin Laden. Now, that's the American Spirit that used to drive this country! It's like the Old West man, a guy pisses you off or does you wrong and you just track the SOB down and kill his ass.

Now, if you think Gary Brooks Faulkner is awesome, you gotta hear from his brother. I'm telling you - this guy gets the Holger Jihadi Gunner Award today:

Faulkner's brother, Scott Faulkner, said his brother is "doing something that we would all wish to do."

"If we saw Osama walking down the sidewalk ... well, I know I would probably put a bullet in the guy's head. Yes, I'm a doctor, but I'm still an American," he told CNN.

Amen, brother! I can relate totally with that - I'm just not sure I would put a bullet in bin Laden's head...I might start with one in the foot, then the leg, then the knee, then the arm...well, you get the picture.

Who knows...if the Pakistani authorities hadn't stopped Gary today, and we gave him a week or so, maybe he would have come out of the Afghan wilderness dragging old Osama out like a field dressed buck deer. You just never know....

Colo. man went on solo mission to kill bin Laden

DENVER (AP) - An American man has been detained in the mountains of Pakistan after Pakistani authorities found him carrying a sword, pistol and night-vision goggles on a Rambo-style solo mission to hunt down and kill Osama bin Laden.
Friends and family say construction worker Gary Brooks Faulkner is a devout, good-humored Christian who has traveled widely in that part of the world.

The 51-year-old Faulkner, who has a lengthy arrest record and served time in a Colorado prison, arrived June 3 in the town of Bumburate and stayed in a hotel there. He was assigned a police guard, as is common for foreigners visiting remote parts of Pakistan.

When he checked out without informing police, officers began looking for him, according to the top police officer in the Chitral region, Mumtaz Ahmad Khan. Faulkner was found late Sunday in a forest.

"We initially laughed when he told us that he wanted to kill Osama bin Laden," Khan said. But when officers seized the weapons and night-vision equipment, "our suspicion grew." He said the American was trying to cross into the nearby Afghan region of Nuristan.

Chitral and Nuristan are among several rumored hiding places for bin Laden along the mountainous border between Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Pakistan's military and intelligence establishment generally deny the possibility that bin Laden is hiding somewhere along the Pakistan-Afghan border, as Western intelligence agencies believe.

Faulkner's sister, Deanna M. Faulkner of Grand Junction, Colo., said her brother suffers from kidney disease that has left him with only 9 percent kidney function. But she told The Associated Press that she did not think his illness was his motivation to go to Pakistan.

"I don't believe this was, 'I'm dying, and I'm going to do a hurrah thing,'" she said. She said her brother was "very religious" but would not elaborate.

Family members have not heard from him since he left the country, his sister said.

On Tuesday, Faulkner was being questioned by intelligence officials in Peshawar, the main northwestern city. He has not been charged with any wrongdoing.

Khan said Faulkner told investigators he was angry after the Sept. 11 attacks in the United States.

"I think Osama is responsible for bloodshed in the world, and I want to kill him," Khan quoted him as saying.

When asked why he thought he had a chance of tracing bin Laden, Faulkner replied, "God is with me, and I am confident I will be successful in killing him," Khan said.

He said police confiscated a small amount of hashish, enough for a single joint, from Faulkner.

"I'm worried about him," his sister said. "I'm worried that in Pakistan, they won't give him his dialysis. And if he doesn't get it, he's in serious trouble."

Bin laden, who is also reported to have kidney problems, has evaded a massive manhunt since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States, which he is accused of masterminding along with other attacks. The federal government has offered a bounty of $25 million for information leading to his capture.

Faulkner's brother, Scott Faulkner, said his brother is "doing something that we would all wish to do."

"If we saw Osama walking down the sidewalk ... well, I know I would probably put a bullet in the guy's head. Yes, I'm a doctor, but I'm still an American," he told CNN.

Scott Faulkner said his brother had been to Afghanistan at least six times and had "picked up quite a bit" of the local language, grown a long beard and "looked like Taliban."

"He could blend in with the local population and go places that our military cannot go," he said, adding that his brother "has some assistance. He's made friends. I will not tell you who those friends are because that's up to Gary to reveal his sources."

At Faulkner's last known address, a modest apartment building in the northern Colorado town of Greeley, no residents answered their doors Tuesday. An apartment manager would not confirm whether Faulkner still lived there.

Hugo Corral, who owns a barber shop in Greeley, recalled cutting Faulkner's hair a few months ago. He said Faulkner was quiet and wouldn't answer his questions. After the haircut, Corral said, he saw Faulkner acting strangely outside his shop.

"He would walk, then stop, then do something like he was saluting something. It was kind of weird," Corral said. Through the glass of his shop, he said he could hear Faulkner cursing at no one in particular.

Gary Faulkner was in and out of Colorado state prisons between 1981 and 1993, serving a total of about seven years in five separate stints for burglary, larceny and parole violations, state officials said.

The Larimer County sheriff released a mug shot from a 2006 arrest on charges of failing to have car insurance. In the photo, Faulkner has shoulder-length gray hair parted in the middle with bangs that reach the sides of his wire-rim glasses.

He also has a shaggy, black beard with traces of gray hair in it, and he appears to be wearing a camouflage-patterned shirt.

Faulkner allegedly told Pakistani police he visited Pakistan seven times, and this was his third trip to Chitral, a mountainous region that attracts adventurous Western tourists and hikers. Unlike much of northwestern Pakistan, it is considered relatively safe for foreigners.

Deanna Faulkner said her brother had been "all over the world many times" but declined to give details of past trips.

U.S. Embassy spokesman Richard Snelsire said the embassy had received notification from Pakistani officials that an American citizen had been arrested. He said embassy officials were trying to meet the man and confirm his identity.

Deanna Faulkner said her brother usually gets dialysis every three days but can go up to two weeks without it.

"We contacted the State Department to let them know of his medical condition and that his family is here and we love him," she said.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice post.

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