Okay, I caught some pushback a few days ago when I reported at this blogpost that a U.S. naval force and a single Israeli battleship had passed through the Suez Canal on their way to the Red Sea and on to the Persian Gulf - some have said this was just a change in shift with the U.S.S. Eisenhower, some have questioned if the Israeli warship was actually part of the armada or just in the area coincidentally. Well, that naval force is now in the Persian Gulf but either way, this new report is startling - because it is being reported by DEBKA that this same U.S. armada actually conducted joint training with the Israelis earlier this month simulating missile intercepts for attacks coming from Iran, Syria and Hezbollah in Lebanon. Now, I admit that DEBKA can at times get a bit dramatic, but I need to report this - my first reaction is how this can be happening considering how Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton have treated Israel and at the same time, seeemed totally impotent to consider military options against Iran and others, but I have a deep down feeling that the military heads of the U.S. are winning the arguments at Obama's meetings. Let us please hope so.
Look at this from the article:
Now, one question I have - were these exercises only done to simulate hitting Syrian and Iranian and Hezbollah targets after resulting first missile strikes from those enemies of Israel or was there also some PREEMPTIVE exercises perhaps aimed at Iran....hmmmm....kind of makes you drool, doesn't it?
No matter what the validity of all of this truly is, I do hope it's got Iran's mullahs and Syria's Assad and Hezbollah's Nasrallah sitting on the crapper about now 24/7.
Look at this from the article:
The armada of 10 US warships plus an Israeli and German battle vessel each, which transited the Suez Canal Friday, June 18, has reached the Persian Gulf, debkafile's military sources report. But first, from June 6 through June 10, the USS Harry S. Truman carrier Strike Group was deployed 50 miles of the shore of southwestern Israel, secretly drilling the interception of incoming Iranian, Syrian and Hizballah missiles and rockets against US and Israeli targets in the Middle East.
For five days and night, the Truman's sixty F/A-18E/F Super Hornet fighter bombers took off on simulated bombing missions against targets set up by the Israeli Air Force at its firing range on the Nevatim Base-28, in the Negev desert southeast of Be'er Sheva - one of its three big air bases.The exercise was prompted by rising tensions from Syria's deployment of advanced Scud missiles for Hizballah on its border with Lebanon. it took place not far from the spot where Israeli commandos subsequently raided the Turkish Mavi Marmara on May 31.
Now, one question I have - were these exercises only done to simulate hitting Syrian and Iranian and Hezbollah targets after resulting first missile strikes from those enemies of Israel or was there also some PREEMPTIVE exercises perhaps aimed at Iran....hmmmm....kind of makes you drool, doesn't it?
No matter what the validity of all of this truly is, I do hope it's got Iran's mullahs and Syria's Assad and Hezbollah's Nasrallah sitting on the crapper about now 24/7.
US-led armada secretly drilled bombing Iranian targets, missile defense with Israel
The armada of 10 US warships plus an Israeli and German battle vessel each, which transited the Suez Canal Friday, June 18, has reached the Persian Gulf, debkafile's military sources report.
But first, from June 6 through June 10, the USS Harry S. Truman carrier Strike Group was deployed 50 miles of the shore of southwestern Israel, secretly drilling the interception of incoming Iranian, Syrian and Hizballah missiles and rockets against US and Israeli targets in the Middle East.
This was first revealed by DEBKA-Net-Weekly 449 on June 18.
The fleet let by the Truman then headed for the Persian Gulf through the Suez Canal accompanied by an Israeli missile ship (not identified) and the German missile frigate FGS Hessen F221.
For five days and night, the Truman's sixty F/A-18E/F Super Hornet fighter bombers took off on simulated bombing missions against targets set up by the Israeli Air Force at its firing range on the Nevatim Base-28, in the Negev desert southeast of Be'er Sheva - one of its three big air bases.
The exercise was prompted by rising tensions from Syria's deployment of advanced Scud missiles for Hizballah on its border with Lebanon. it took place not far from the spot where Israeli commandos subsequently raided the Turkish Mavi Marmara on May 31.
The Super Hornets flew simulated bombing missions night and day against targets set up by the Israeli Air Force at its firing range on the Nevatim Base-28, in the Negev desert southeast of Be'er Sheva - one of three big Israeli air facilities.
The exercise had 60 American F-16 fighter jets landing at Israeli Air Force facilities from bases in Germany and Romania, refueling and taking off with Israeli fighter bombers to practice long-range bombing missions over the Red Sea and the Mediterranean and drill air-to-air combat along the way.
Both Washington and Jerusalem withheld public exposure of this US-Israeli aerial exercise, dubbed Juniper Stallion 2010. President Barack Obama ordered all US missile interceptors in the Middle East to go on war alert in the second week of June, including batteries aboard US Sixth Fleet vessels on the Mediterranean and the US Fifth Fleet in the Persian Gulf.
debkafile's military sources add that Israel's missile's shield, including Arrow anti-missile missiles, was similarly on standby.
It was decided at the White House to stage the Juniper Stallion exercise only eight months after Juniper Cobra 10, the biggest joint war maneuver the US and Israel had ever conducted against missile attack, after receiving new intelligence that Iran, Syria and Hizballah had almost doubled their operational armory of medium-range missiles.
Switching over to a tough line, US defense secretary Robert Gates warned a Senate panel on June 18 that Iran could fire "scores or hundreds" of short- and medium-range missiles against Europe - in salvoes rather than one or two at a time.
Four days later, Gates told a Fox interviewer: "I don't think we're prepared to even talk about containing a nuclear Iran. I think… our view still is we do not accept the idea of Iran having nuclear weapons." Asked whether a military strike was preferable, he said all options remain on the table although some time is left for working on problem."
This bilateral military exerise at least offers some hope of reverting back to our original state of friendship with Israel, once this Obama curse comes to its quick end.
I agree with at the edge. We are in the area, and it appears we are ready if we need to be.
Even Liberals should have noticed Gates saying we have no plan for a nuclear Iran. How can that be? The most powerful military in the world, knowing that Iran is trying to be nuclear, I mean, this isn't a surprise, and we have no plan.
As I told you recently, if we support Israel when she needs us, I will "cry me a river" of joy.
Very intriguing report Holger. Thanks for finding the real news that no one else reports.
I think it just got better,Nazi rally, the hizbullshit chief canceled his trip to Turkey as he was concerned he might be asasinated, so he crawls back to his bunker where he has lived for the last four years.
So this Mother F... can send out others to a certain death as a suicide bomber, but he is to precious.
So its back to the bunker to change his dirty diaper.(detail from Debka once again)
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