Monday, June 14, 2010

Obama's Right Hand Man Doesn't Know That the Taliban Are The Enemy

The boy wonder strategist for Barack Hussein Obama, namely David Axelrod, appeared on NBC's Meet the Press yesterday and said this, from the article at DAWN:

“This mission is about Al Qaeda, about putting pressure on Al Qaeda on both sides of the border, about not letting Afghanistan become a safe harbour, safe haven for Al Qaeda again,” he said.

“It will involve a political solution just as it did in Iraq. And ultimately if the Taliban is willing to lay down arms and participate in a peaceful way, that would be part of the solution,” said Mr Axelrod.

I don't know exactly where to begin here - I guess this is what happens when one of the closest advisors to the President's closest exposure to America's military is sitting through the movie "The Green Berets" back about 20 years ago. But, in essence, this BS line about us being in Afghanistan is strictly about al Qaeda has been Obama's creed for awhile now. What Axelrod seems to miss here is that 98% of the American and NATO troops killed in Afghanistan were at the hands of the Taliban, not al Qaeda. He also seems to have forgotten that Afghanistan was ruled by the Taliban who gave al Qaeda the safe haven to plan 9/11.

Perhaps I can offer David Axelrod a clue about the Taliban. They are jihadists. They are holy warriors. They fight for allah, not some peace agreement with the Afghan government. I mean, come on! You can't tell me someone as influential as David Axelrod doesn't understand that the Taliban will stand for only total control of Afghanistan - that is their mission from "god" - to own that country, to reenact sharia law, to ensure the masses of the Afghan people follow only the most stringent adherence to islam.

But alas, we have a clown like Axelrod advising the President that the Taliban could be very useful in setting the stage for a peaceful solution and who knows, perhaps the U.S. can even get a promise from the Taliban that they will never let al Qaeda back into the country!

Listen, none of this shit surprises me. We are talking about a leftist government here in America now and they are following the path that you would expect. They could care less if the Taliban gain control of Afghanistan within one year of a U.S. withdrawl. They could care less if the Taliban set al Qaeda back up in the country. And they could care less if another 3,000 Americans are slaughtered in the next 9/11 planned and plotted the same exact way in the same exact location as the first.

Taliban could become part of Afghan set-up: Obama aide

WASHINGTON: A senior White House official said on Sunday that involving Taliban militants in a future set-up in Afghanistan could be a part of the solution to the present conflict in that country.

David Axelrod, a senior adviser to the US president, also said that President Barack Obama was committed to starting withdrawing troops from Afghanistan from July next year.

“And ultimately if the Taliban are willing to lay down arms and participate in a peaceful way, that would be part of the solution,” Mr Axelrod told a US television channel, NBC.

The White House adviser was commenting on a New York Times report which claimed that Afghan President Hamid Karzai had been pressing to strike his own deal with the Taliban and Pakistan.

The report quoted the former Afghan intelligence chief, Amrullah Saleh, as saying that Mr Karzai was also holding secret negotiations with the Taliban outside the purview of US and Nato.

The report claimed that Mr Karzai had lost faith in his US and Nato allies and believed that they could no longer prevail in Afghanistan.

On Saturday, US Defence Secretary Robert Gates also conceded this point but said US and Nato forces were now reasserting themselves.

“Clearly until last year, the Taliban had the initiative. There’s no question in my mind about that,” Mr Gates said.

Commenting on the NYT report, Mr Axelrod noted that Mr Saleh was fired by President Karzai, which might have ‘coloured’ some of his interpretations but pointed out that the US was not there to rule Afghanistan for the Afghans.

“This mission is about Al Qaeda, about putting pressure on Al Qaeda on both sides of the border, about not letting Afghanistan become a safe harbour, safe haven for Al Qaeda again,” he said.

“Ultimately this is about our security and that’s why we’re there.”

Mr Axelrod noted that in the last 16 months, the US and its allies had damaged Al Qaeda in a way that hadn’t occurred since the beginning.

“Half of their top 20 leadership has been killed or captured because we’ve got cooperation on the Pakistan side of the border from Pakistan and because of our operations in Afghanistan,” he added.

“At the end of the day, however, we’ve always said that this will involve the future of Afghans.

“It will involve a political solution just as it did in Iraq. And ultimately if the Taliban is willing to lay down arms and participate in a peaceful way, that would be part of the solution,” said Mr Axelrod.

Meanwhile, the US was increasing pressure on the militants, and was taking the war to them, he added.

1 comment:

in the vanguard said...

Treasonous regime in power. We let in the Trojan Horse. Everything he does aligns with Fascism; And we can't see his diplomas, certificates, essays, ... nothing.