Friday, June 4, 2010

Man's Country Frequented by Barack Obama and Rahm Emanuel? What's the Kal Penn Story

By Maggie @ Maggie's Notebook
HillBuzz was visited in Chicago by a US journalist wanting information about Man's Country in Andersonville, Illinois. This article states that Barack Obama was a frequent visitor until 2002 and Rahm Emanuel until 2008, according to their sources. HillBuzz tagged this article "bath houses."
Man's Country (see bottom of sign above door)

A quick check on the Internet and what I find about Chicago's Man's Country is fairly disgusting. Read the reviews here, especially the one by Alberto M. who says Man's Country is "a gay Chicago icon...," but complains that there is always the chance of getting "cooties" in Man's Country.

Now, the article goes on to question the rags so busily working to tie Obama to an affair with Vera Baker, and the writer says something is fishy, and doesn't hesitate to explain. The side story is about Kal Penn, the actor who left House to serve the President. He also plays Kumar in the Harold and Kumar movies. In the White House, Penn goes by his real name, Kalpen Modi.

Why the sudden need to portray this current president as an insatiably heterosexual stud who just can’t get enough women?
Baker’s a diversionary tactic…designed to cover SOMETHING up…and we think that something is an affair Obama had with Kal Penn, which seems to have ended badly.  We also think Penn was mugged not by a street thug in Dupont Circle, but by someone working for either the DNC or Organizing for America (or any number of its umbrella thugs), because Penn’s phone had something in it that would prove some kind of romantic relationship between the president and a Hollywood actor with zero government experience who was plucked off a TV show unceremoniously and lifted into a high profile made-up position in the White House…so he could be close to Obama in Washington, where Obama wanted him.  Wanted in more than one sense.
Until he didn’t want him anymore.
And then someone needed to take his cell phone away, so that any pictures, texts, voicemails, or other interesting itts and bitts could be secured by those wishing to protect the current president.
Here's a link to Penn/Modi's mugging.

You know, this is an astounding and gutsy story, whether true or false. HillBuzz has stepped "out there."  It is obvious from they have had some background on the story. Maybe they have blogged about this in the past, but the blog title is Someone in the national media is FINALLY interested in Man's Country in Andersonville.

My disclaimer: I'm printing this because the report comes from Chicago. I don't know if it's true, but unless the writer is lying about the national media coming specifically for info about Man's Country, it deserves to be known, and besides, HillBuzz is a reputable blog. I got to the HillBuzz story via Logistics Monster who indicates that many have known about this since 2007, so....

Read it all at HillBuzz

1 comment:

Henry Bowman said...

Very "HEAVY" political scene in Chicago. The "B" way or Broadway goes right through "Boys Town" in Chicago on the Northside. Lots and lots of political movers and shakers in Chicago Clout. Rumored denizens (I will not name any for it is only "rumors") include even a member of the cabinet. Many members of the CPS system and religious leaders. Truely a den of iniquity which makes Las Vegas look like grammar school.

God Save the United States....