Monday, June 21, 2010

The Champion In the Preemptive Strike Against Sharia Law in America: OKLAHOMA

This article at Family Security Matters does well to applaud Oklahoma state legislators for preparing against a nationwide attack of sharia law in America - the state of Oklahoma will now have a proposed amendment to their State Constitution on the November ballot which would make it against the constitution for any court to rely on sharia law.

My favorite line from the article:

“Representatives from other states have been contacting me for the language we used and you will probably see this start to be adopted by other states as well.”
I can't express just how important this is - the article points out that Oklahoma's muslim population is miniscule but they have been smart enough in that state to realize that things change and in this action, they are safeguarding their state from the blight of sharia. Perhaps the example of Britain and France is not lost on us here in America.

What is needed now is for all Americans to contact their state representative, state assemblyman or state senator and demand that this type of state constitutional amendment be drafted in their own state - this could be a real domino effect - get it done before the islamic appeasers in this country beging their islamophobia PR and legal counter-offensives.

Exclusive: You're Doin' Fine, Oklahoma!

I haven’t been this excited since Golda Meir explained to the world “We don't thrive on military acts. We do them because we have to, and thank God we are efficient.”

Well, Oklahoma State Representative Rex Duncan, thank God, you too are efficient and doing what you have to do. Rep. Duncan is the chief architect of proposed legislation that bans Sharia law in his state. He calls the proposed ban a necessary "preemptive strike" against Islamic law coming to Oklahoma.

I have often said and written that we only have to look at Europe or Britain to see where we as a country are headed if we don’t wake up and act. The photo above from the U.K. tells the story of Islam and Sharia.

As I have explained many times before in various articles, Sharia law allows the following (and this is just when it comes to women):

· Obligatory female genital mutilation (FGM).
· Requirement of women to obtain permission from husbands for daily freedoms, such as leaving the house unescorted by a male family member.
· Beating of disobedient women and girls.
· Compulsory acceptance of polygamy and forced child marriages.
· Requirement of the testimony of four male Muslim witnesses (or eight women) to prove rape;
· Stoning to death of adulteresses.

Luckily for the people of Oklahoma they have a man representing them like Rep. Rex Duncan. I had the pleasure of speaking with Rep. Duncan and, I must say, I was impressed. Not only is Rep. Duncan an attorney, but he has served 31 years in the Guard, Reserves and active duty. He volunteered for active duty following 9/11 and served 16 months as a Special Forces officer with the Special Operations Command-Central. His duty assignments included the Middle East and Horn of Africa. He currently serves as Commander of the 189th Regiment, Regional Training Institute in Oklahoma City with the rank of Colonel.

I asked Rep. Duncan what made him decide to write a ban on Sharia law given the fact that Oklahoma has so few Muslims – only 30,000 out of a population of 3.7 million - and thus the chance of Sharia law being applied there seems slim. He explained:

“It would have been a safe bet that Oklahoma would be the last State to enact this law, but if we waited until it was on our doorstep it would be too late.”

What excites me even more than this ban of Sharia law is the fact that Rep. Duncan shared with me that:

“Representatives from other states have been contacting me for the language we used and you will probably see this start to be adopted by other states as well.”

Here is what I love about this possible amendment to the Oklahoma Constitution; it would forbid judges from using international law as a basis for their decisions, including Sharia law.

The question on the ballot for the voters of Oklahoma will read something like this:

“This measure amends the State Constitution. It would change a section that deals with the courts of this state. It would make courts rely on federal and state laws when deciding cases. It would forbid courts from looking at international law, or Sharia Law when deciding cases.

The actual wording that will appear on the ballot has yet to be written and is currently being crafted by the Oklahoma Attorney General Drew Edmondson (D). Yes, you read that correctly, A.G. Edmonson is a Democrat and is actually changing the wording to be more precise. Rep. Duncan explained that the

“wording on the state ballot would include the explanation of ‘law of nation’ and ‘Islamic law’ as well as ‘laws followed by Mohammed’ ”.

The actual “legalese” for this law came from HJR1056 which states:

“The Courts provided for in subsection A of this section, when exercising their judicial authority, shall uphold and adhere to the law as provided in the United States Constitution, the Oklahoma Constitution, the United States Code, federal regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, established common law, the Oklahoma Statutes and rules promulgated pursuant thereto, and if necessary the law of another state of the United States provided the law of the other state does not include Sharia Law, in making judicial decisions. The courts shall not look to the legal precepts of other nations or cultures. Specifically, the courts shall not consider international law or Sharia Law. The provisions of this subsection shall apply to all cases before the respective courts including, but not limited to, cases of first impression. “

What a novel idea, let’s use the laws and Constitution of the United States when deciding cases here in the U.S.! I have written about Sharia law many times before, specifically where I saw Sharia creeping in to our judicial system. In “How Do You Plead, Guilty or Not Guilty? ‘I Plead Muslim!’” I expressed my concerns of how Sharia law and the use of another culture’s beliefs were encroaching into our court system.

Although I feel it is overdue, in this case I can honestly say at least it’s not too late. My hat is off to Rep. Duncan. I can only hope and pray that other states follow suit. This is what I have been screaming, lecturing and writing about for far too long and I am so glad that someone finally gets it.

If you care about this issue, your Congressmen need to hear from you. It’s vital that the electorate participates in the process of citizenship in a free country. This is the first step, a baby step, towards running to the finish line which will be when our U.S. Congress and Senate enact a similar law nationally.

If you support a ban on Sharia (and other un-American laws) having influence in American courtrooms, you can show Rep. Rex Duncan that, no matter where you live in this great nation of ours, you endorse his efforts. He can be contacted at his office (405 - 557-7344) or he can be emailed at .

During my conversation with Rep. Duncan we discussed the fact that Oklahoma is still a red state and that A.G. Edmondson is a Democrat. I stated to him: “This is not a partisan issue, it is an American issue.” Rep. Dugan agreed with my assessment 100%.

As the song “Oklahoma” so proudly proclaims: “You're doin' fine, Oklahoma!”


Henry Bowman said...

Good News.....Let's hope it spreads.....

God Bless the US Military......

God Bless US..........

Lysol said...

Charles at Little Green Footballs was mocking this law last week.

I support this law 100%. Although, I thought the First Amendment of the US Constitution pretty much banned any sort of Sharia type of legal system here already.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

And after digging a little deeper, the US Supreme Court has taken this right down to the local level too...

"In the Board of Education of Kiryas Joel Village School District v. Grumet, 512 U.S. 687 (1994), Justice David Souter, writing for the majority, concluded that "government should not prefer one religion to another, or religion to irreligion."[2]"

I'd really like to see the text of this law. I had no idea that there were gaping holes in the US Constitution and US Supreme Court decisions that still leave the door open for Sharia Law. If there are indeed holes that need to be plugged, Rex Duncan and Drew Edmondson are taking up an extremely important issue that needs immediate attention on a nationwide level.(And not just for Sharia Law, but for ALL forms of mixing religion with state)

Solaris said...

Anyone want to take bets this will catch flak? I'm putting down fifty that says some jackass is going to call this law racist.

The fact that someone in this country had the balls to even propose a law like this gives me a kind of optimism I haven't had since coming back from deployment to find 0 in office and anti-Americanism running rampant through our capital. You betcha I hope it spreads.
