Saturday, April 24, 2010

Insurgents Attack Security Convoy Killing 4...So, Was it In Iraq? Pakistan? Afghanistan? Nope....Mexico

If anyone living in America doesn't see the similarities between the world of radical islamic terror revolution going on in the world and the revolution of violence in Mexico, they are certainly blind. Let's face it, America's southern border and the land of Mexico which lies below it, has become a blood fest of terrorism, death and destruction. And it is high time to realize that the "nuisance" of illegal aliens entering into America is about to evolve into a wave of armed insurgents swarming into our country seeking the same violence and anarchy here that they have created in Mexico.

From the report at Breitbart:

Gunmen armed with assault rifles and grenades attacked a convoy carrying the top security official of the western state of Michoacan on Saturday, killing four and wounding 10 in Mexico's second brazen ambush in as many days.
Public Safety Secretary Minerva Bautista was among the wounded but was recovering from non-life-threatening injuries, said an official at the state attorney general's office who was not authorized to be quoted by name. Bautista was traveling in a bullet-resistant sport utility vehicle.

Bautista was returning from the inauguration of a fair when her three-vehicle convoy was stopped just after midnight by a truck the attackers apparently used to block the road.

Several hours later, assailants tossed a hand grenade at a police station in the Michoacan state capital, Morelia, about 30 yards (meters) from the state public safety department's headquarters. The explosion damaged three vehicles, but nobody was hurt.
At what point does the Obama administration wake the hell up and recognize that it is only a matter of time before the wars in Mexico spread to Arizona, California, Nevada and Texas? How many Americans are going to end up dead when the Obama administration realizes that secure borders with Mexico aren't there just to keep illegal workers out? And at what point does the Obama administration recognize that their plans to stack the 2012 elections with newly citizenized Mexican illegals may just lead to a war in our Southwest?

But, as is becoming painfully obvious, the Obama administration ignores a Mexican insurgency flooding over our borders, it looks the other way concerning the al Qaeda cells operating inside of America....oh no, the ONLY thing that the Obama administration seems to zero in on is a confederate flag and NRA and "Live Free or Die" bumper stickers on a pickup truck of a white American.

Mexico security official's convoy ambushed, 4 dead

MORELIA, Mexico (AP) - Gunmen armed with assault rifles and grenades attacked a convoy carrying the top security official of the western state of Michoacan on Saturday, killing four and wounding 10 in Mexico's second brazen ambush in as many days.
Public Safety Secretary Minerva Bautista was among the wounded but was recovering from non-life-threatening injuries, said an official at the state attorney general's office who was not authorized to be quoted by name. Bautista was traveling in a bullet-resistant sport utility vehicle.

The dead included two of her bodyguards and two bystanders. Of the other nine people wounded, five were bystanders—including two girls ages 2 and 12—and four were part of Bautista's security detail.

There was no immediate information on the identity of the attackers, who numbered about 20, or on a possible motive. However, drug violence is common in Michoacan, the home base of the drug cartel known as La Familia.

Mexican drug cartels have been known to target security officials. The acting federal police chief was shot dead in May 2008 in an attack attributed to drug traffickers lashing back at a nationwide crackdown on organized crime.

Bautista was returning from the inauguration of a fair when her three-vehicle convoy was stopped just after midnight by a truck the attackers apparently used to block the road.

Several hours later, assailants tossed a hand grenade at a police station in the Michoacan state capital, Morelia, about 30 yards (meters) from the state public safety department's headquarters. The explosion damaged three vehicles, but nobody was hurt.

Farther south, in the Pacific coast state of Guerrero, the dismembered bodies of three men were found in plastic bags inside a home outside the resort of Acapulco on Saturday.

Guerrero state police said a message was found at the scene. Mexican police generally do not release the contents of such messages, but local media said the hand-lettered sign blamed the three dead men for an April 14 shooting that killed six people on Acapulco's main boulevard.

That daylight shooting in Acapulco's balmy tourist zone killed a mother and her 8-year-old child, a taxi driver, a federal police officer and two other men.

One of the suspects detained in that shooting is described as an associate of Texas-born Edgar Valdez Villarreal, nicknamed "La Barbie," who Mexican federal authorities believe is battling Hector Beltran Leyva for control of the Beltran Leyva cartel. There was no indication which gang the three dismembered men belonged to.

On Friday, gunmen ambushed two police vehicles at a busy intersection in the northern border city of Ciudad Juarez, killing seven officers and a 17-year-old boy caught in the crossfire. Two more officers were seriously wounded.

Authorities said the officers had stopped to talk to a street vendor who flagged them down for help. Gunmen suddenly opened fire from behind, then fled in three vehicles.

Hours after the attack, a painted message directed to top federal police commanders and claiming responsibility for the attack appeared on a wall in downtown Ciudad Juarez. It was apparently signed by La Linea, the enforcement arm of the Juarez drug cartel. The Juarez cartel has been locked in a bloody turf battle with the Sinaloa cartel, led by Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman.

"This will happen to you ... for being with El Chapo Guzman and to all the dirtbags who support him. Sincerely, La Linea," the message read. The authenticity of the message could not be independently verified.

More than 22,700 people have been killed in Mexico's drug war since December 2006, when President Felipe Calderon launched an offensive against the cartels.

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