Friday, April 23, 2010

Furor Explodes Across France After Muslim Woman Fined For Driving While Wearing a Veil (Niqab)

LMAOOOO.....I love this stuff. The French, who have seriously been considering the banning of burqas and face veils (niqabs) found even more fuss going on over it all after a muslim woman was stopped while driving her car and then fined for driving while wearing a full face veil.

From the story at Breitbart:

The case of a French Muslim woman fined for driving while wearing a full-face veil -- a garment the government wants to ban in public -- raised a furore Friday over human rights and led a minister to challenge her husband's status in France.
A lawyer for the 31-year-old woman accused police in the western city of Nantes of violating her human rights when they stopped and fined her 22 euros (29 dollars) on the grounds that her niqab -- an Islamic veil with a slit for the eyes -- restricted her view so she could not drive safely.

The woman who called herself her Anne -- not her real name -- told journalists Friday about her exchange with the police officer during the incident on April 2.
"'I don't know how it's done in your country but in our country we don't drive like that'," she claimed the police officer said, as she told her story standing next to her lawyer outside the El Kaouthar grocery story in Nantes.

The fact of the matter is that we are seeing all kinds of this "corrective" behavior happening all over Europe after millions and millions of Europeans finally woke the fuck up to what had happened to their countries - we are seeing these veil and burqa and hijab bans popping up in France and Belgium, we have seen minarets banned in Switzerland, we have seen new mosque construction banned in Italy and we've seen more "Mo is an animal" cartoons coming out of Scandinavia than you can shake a stick at.

Europeans are way too late to try and fight back but it is pretty humorous to see the reaction by the islamists - it's one thing to want to conquer a country and make it submit to Islam - there's a whole 'nother aspect of keeping that control. Who knows, the islamists might just find that owning Europe ain't all that great.

Furor over French Muslim woman fined for driving veiled

The case of a French Muslim woman fined for driving while wearing a full-face veil -- a garment the government wants to ban in public -- raised a furore Friday over human rights and led a minister to challenge her husband's status in France.
A lawyer for the 31-year-old woman accused police in the western city of Nantes of violating her human rights when they stopped and fined her 22 euros (29 dollars) on the grounds that her niqab -- an Islamic veil with a slit for the eyes -- restricted her view so she could not drive safely.

The woman who called herself her Anne -- not her real name -- told journalists Friday about her exchange with the police officer during the incident on April 2.

"'I don't know how it's done in your country but in our country we don't drive like that'," she claimed the police officer said, as she told her story standing next to her lawyer outside the El Kaouthar grocery story in Nantes.

"I said to him: 'Your country is also my country, because I am French.'"

She said she then gave the officer her papers and lifted her veil so he could check her identification, as he issued the fine.

Lawyer Jean-Michel Pollono argued that the fine was "not justified on road safety grounds and constitutes a breach of human and women's rights."

He insisted his client could "move freely" and "her field of vision was in no way obstructed." He added that "the field of vision of a motorcycle rider wearing a helmet is more restricted."

The dress of Muslim women took centre stage in French politics Wednesday when President Nicolas Sarkozy's government said it would push ahead with a ban on wearing a full-face veil in public, despite a warning from state judicial experts that such a law could be unconstitutional.

The Nantes incident took on another political dimension when France's interior minister, Brice Hortefeux, wrote to ask his colleague Eric Besson in immigration to look into the woman's husband, who h

e alleged may belong to a radical group and may be a polygamist with four wives and 12 children.

According to Hortefeux, the husband was born in Algeria and acquired French nationality by marrying the woman in 1999.

"I would appreciate your looking into these matters which, if the facts are confirmed, could lead to the individual losing his French nationality," Hortefeux wrote.

The ban on the Muslim full-face veil has strong support in parliament and Sarkozy's government is determined to press on with a law, which it says would affect only around 2,000 Muslim French women who currently cover their faces.

Pollono said he had complained formally to the state prosecutor. "The ball is clearly in the authorities' court," he said. "Currently no law forbids the wearing of the niqab."

He also said his client was not "a submissive woman but an intellectual" born in the Loire-Atlantic region of France.

The Muslim woman driver, dressed in a niqab, declined to tell journalists her opinion on the proposed ban.

Local authorities meanwhile defended the officer involved saying he legally had discretion to decide whether there was a danger. He "was doing his job. He judged that in the circumstances there was

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