Sunday, February 7, 2010

Holger Asks Why #15: Sarah Palin

Holger Asks Why...

According to the Democrats, Progressives, Marxists AND the Main Stream Media, Sarah Palin is:

a) not qualified to be President or Vice-President

b) not smart enough to be President or Vice-President

c) is too "loony" to be President or Vice-President

Then Holger asks why every single Democratic politician and every single main stream media outlet in this country was hanging on every word she uttered in last night's Tea Party Convention speech? Why did every Sunday morning news roundtable show spend time discussing Sarah Palin's speech last night?




Anonymous said...

Two words: President Palin

not only is it possible, it's starting to look highly probable.
That warms my cold conservative heart and terrifies the left.
I look forward to the day when Obama hands her the keys to the Oval Office so she can finally make her first announcement as Pres. "Ladies and Gentlemen, l've just commenced the bombing of Iran."

Boquisucio said...

Excellent question Mr. H. Back home we say:

The river only makes noise when it carries stones.

If the above is true, then Sarah is dumping one hell of a boulder on that Socialist flowing river.

I hope to do my part in throwing a pebble or two.

Boquisucio said...
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