Monday, February 8, 2010

Al Qaeda in Somalia, a.k.a. al Shabaab, Targets The Country of Kenya

Al Shabaab, the rag tag al Qaeda franchise in Somalia, has decided to place the country of Kenya on its "most wanted" list and is promising to attack the African country. From the report at The Long War Journal:

A senior leader of al Qaeda's affiliate in Somalia has declared jihad against neighboring Kenya for supporting the weak Somali Transitional Federal Government.

The declaration of jihad against Kenya came from Sheikh Hussein Abdi Gedi, the deputy leader of Shabaab in the strategic southern port city of Kismayo. During an interview on Al Andalus Radio, Shabaab's radio station, Gedi accused Kenya of arming and training Somali's disorganized military.

"Kenya has prepared troops that comprise of Kenyans and Somalis, who are trained to attack and take over the regions," Gedi said, according to Garowe. "They are planning to attack us on the land, sea and air. We are urging people to be ready and defend our land."

These idiots from al Shabaab can't even take a 20 minute rest in their own land with what they have going on with the Somali government and Ethiopia but now they are announcing jihad on Kenya. Someone's eyes are bigger than their stomach.

But what this all shows is the spread of islamic terror inside of Africa that I have been warning about for over 2 years - we have seen the northern tier of African countries already inundated and now we see the push to the south - I don't have to remind everyone that the Christmas Day suicide bomber arrested in Michigan was from Nigeria. It is spreading as islam itself spreads which brings up a point I'd like to make.

If radical islamic terror is such an anomale like the so-called "experts" want us to believe...that it is just a minority of muslims that resort to terror and that the vast number of muslims are moderate and peaceful, then why is it that EVERY FUCKING MUSLIM COUNTRY HAS ISLAMIC TERRORISM?

Name one country on this planet that is dominated by islam that does NOT have an islamic terror problem. Go ahead, name one.

Shabaab calls for jihad against Kenya

A senior leader of al Qaeda's affiliate in Somalia has declared jihad against neighboring Kenya for supporting the weak Somali Transitional Federal Government.

The declaration of jihad against Kenya came from Sheikh Hussein Abdi Gedi, the deputy leader of Shabaab in the strategic southern port city of Kismayo. During an interview on Al Andalus Radio, Shabaab's radio station, Gedi accused Kenya of arming and training Somali's disorganized military.

"Kenya has prepared troops that comprise of Kenyans and Somalis, who are trained to attack and take over the regions," Gedi said, according to Garowe. "They are planning to attack us on the land, sea and air. We are urging people to be ready and defend our land."

Gedi's statement comes just days after the Ras Kamboni Brigade, formerly one of the four groups in the Hizbul Islam alliance, broke ties to the group and joined Shabaab. Both Shabaab and the Ras Kamboni Brigade pledged support for al Qaeda and the international jihad.

Kenya has trained more than 2,500 troops to fight against Shabaab and other anti-government Islamist terror groups such as Hizbul Islam, according to a Feb. 6 report in Garowe. The troops "are expected to complete the trainings in the coming days," a Kenya military official involved in the training told the newspaper.

The Somali government has promised that it will launch yet another offensive in Mogadishu in an attempt to eject Shabaab and Hizbul Islam from the capital. Previous offensives have failed to dislodge the Islamist groups.

The weak Transitional Federal Government, backed by thousands of African Union peacekeepers, controls only small enclaves within the capital of Mogadishu, and little else. The South is firmly in the hands of Shabaab and Hizbul Islam, although Shabaab has gained the upper hand since the merger with the Ras Kamboni Brigade.

A pro-government Sufi Islamist militia called Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama’a controls some regions in central Somalia, however, and often clashes with Shabaab and Hizbul Islam.

1 comment:

WomanHonorThyself said...

Name one country on this planet that is dominated by islam that does NOT have an islamic terror problem. Go ahead, name one..exactly!!