Monday, December 14, 2009

Video: Hamas Celebrates 22nd Anniversay...Thank Americans For The Billions In "Aid" So They Can Keep Killing Jews


Maggie Thornton said...

Gosh Holger, I thought the Palestinian people didn't really like Hamas. I thought they just couldn't help the fact that Hamas was in control, and should Hamas be defeated, the Pali's would be all warm and cozy with Israel.

Yeah right! Look at the size of that crowd cheering on the group that keeps them fed - and fed rather well, it appears.

Maggie Thornton said...

I didn't make my complete point. Our billions are supposed to be feeding the people, but we know that instead it is arming Hamas, and then Hamas doles out the porridige, or whatever it is over there.

Findalis said...

What a missed opportunity. One good bomb would have cleared up that problem.

Esquerita said...

Hamas was elected in Gaza- after people got fed up with Fatah party corruption they didn't just take over. The Bush administration supported these elections wholeheartedly as part of the "spread democracy in the Middle East" plan.