Monday, December 14, 2009

Video: Do You Have A Shotgun Fan On Your Christmas List?

(Hat Tip: Right2thePoint)


~Christie~ said...

Now that's one helluva shotgun...
OOFDAH!!! Hats off to Jerry for his awesome engineering. Now THAT's a Christmas present for our troops. Lock & load 'em guys & have a "MERRY CHRISTMAS" in style, fast & furious ya betcha!

GOD Bless Our Troops...
silence is NOT an option!

~Christie~ said...

Now that's one helluva shotgun...
OOFDAH!!! Hats off to Jerry for his awesome engineering. Now THAT's a Christmas present for our troops. Lock & load 'em guys & have a "MERRY CHRISTMAS" in style, fast & furious ya betcha!

GOD Bless Our Troops...
silence is NOT an option!

~Christie~ said...

Damn it!!! I hate it when the double comment fairy takes over my
computer...I need one of those shotguns. SORRY!!!