Monday, December 28, 2009

Some Thing Is Up!

By Findalis of Monkey in the Middle

For the first time ever in history of any country, Israel is recalling ALL of its Ambassadors home.

First-ever Heads of Missions Conference at the MFA
24 Dec 2009

Israel’s ambassadors and consuls general serving throughout the world will discuss broad diplomatic and strategic issues at a conference to be held next week in Jerusalem.

(Communicated by MFA Spokesperson’s Bureau)

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, headed by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Avigdor Liberman, will host a conference next week (27-31 December) for Israeli Heads of Missions. At the conference, Israel’s ambassadors and consuls general serving throughout the world will discuss broad diplomatic and strategic issues.

This is the first time a conference for all of Israel’s Heads of Missions has been held. The idea is to facilitate direct dialogue with the country’s leaders, mutual updates on major diplomatic issues, and a discussion of action plans to deal with the challenges awaiting the State of Israel in the international arena in the coming year, including the Iranian threat.

A major part of the conference will be devoted to examining Israel’s integration and potential contribution to items on the world agenda such as the environment, renewable energy, water and sewage treatment, and new technologies. The participants will discuss how to develop and promote Israel’s foreign relations and its image as a country that contributes to creating a better future for everyone. They will also talk about the rise of new global powers and how to deal with them.

On Monday, 28 December, the Heads of Missions will be guests of President Shimon Peres at the President’s Residence.

Foreign Minister Liberman will open the conference. Other officials invited to attend include Prime Minister Benyamin Natanyahu, Defense Minister Ehud Barak, Minister of Intelligence and Atomic Energy Dan Meridor, Bank of Israel Governor Stanley Fischer, and senior officials of Israel’s diplomatic and security community.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs plans to make the Heads of Missions Conference an annual event, as it is in other leading foreign ministries in the world.
There are quite a few reasons that this could be happening.  Here are a few:
  1. There is a move in the United Nations to throw Israel out of the United Nations, declare Palestine (governed only by Muslims) as the sole nation in the region.  This is being supported by the EU under the leadership of Sweden.
  2. Israel will finally attack Iran.  This meeting is in preparation for the likely media and diplomatic nightmare that will ensue.
  3. An excuse for the greatest New Year's Eve Party EVERNO BYOB HERE!  Top shelf drinks and food.  Free for all Israeli Ambassadors, their wives, their staff and spouses.
For some reason I don't think it is #3.  Do you?

In a few days the options of talking to Iran to end their nuclear program is suppose to run out (of course with the idiots cowards in the White House don't expect any real threats).  And I think that Netanyahu is just waiting to see if the Iranians take the outstretched hand.  The only wild card in this scenario are the protestors in Iran.  If they can manage to bring down Ahmadinejad and the Mullahs, and then either take the US offer or stop their nuclear program, it will be a small miracle.

Israel is a land in which miracles happen!

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