Saturday, December 19, 2009

Saudis Give 75 Year Old Woman 40 Lashes For Mingling With Men

Yep, you read that right. A 75 year old Syrian woman living in Saudi Arabia was sentenced to 40 lashes by whipping for the high crime of improperly mingling with men and her whipping was carried out as called for.

75 year old woman. Whipped like a dog for probably asking a strange man for directions.

Islam at its finest, don't you think?

From the brief blurb at The Memri Blog:

In Saudi Arabia, 75-Year-Old Woman Gets 40 Lashes For Mingling With Men

The Saudi Interior Ministry has carried out a punishment of 40 lashes against a 75-year-old Syrian woman and two men, who were arrested for prohibited mingling.
The sentence was carried out immediately after the appeal submitted by the three was rejected by the Supreme Court of Appeals.
Source: Al-Quds Al-Arabi, London, December 18, 2009


~Christie~ said...

This kind of shit just blows one's mind that it ACTUALLY goes on in our world...they are not human & for sure not beings of peace, just plain pissants in my book (spit).
One of many reasons that I'm so grateful to be here in America!

God help them all!!!

Rose said...

This is what i do not understand - how can the American left, which for years has convinced us that they stood for human rights, women's rights, the rights of the aged, and stood against violence and yes, even against religion - how can they then endorse and protect and advocate for a religion that violates ALL of those rights, including gay rights - they used to send arond emails bemoaning the plight of women in Afghanistan, asking you to "send this to everyone you know' - now they have stopped that, and they have never come out against he beheading of women, and this lashing of women....

I am disgusted -