Sunday, December 13, 2009

My Take on Global Warming and Copenhagen

With this "historic" meeting going on in Copenhagen, I just have to toss my two cents out there.

I am no scientist, and I believe that the climate is changing. The climate has been changing ever since there was well... climate. In the last 1 million years there have only been 60 (yes Sixty) Ice Ages... so... that would mean that there have been 61 cycles of Global Warming. To accuse man of being responsible for this one seems to me, a bit audacious. So then, the evidence is there, this is happening and in reality there isn't much we can do to hinder or speed the process up. We can perhaps mitigate some of the problems that may/will occur, but that wont be at the cost of entire economies as being proposed in Copenhagen. Such intelligent things like not build cities below sea level.

So what is this all about, why are we being told that we must give billions off the top of our economy to combat something that we can never hope to change, slow or defeat.

Obama could not go to Copenhagen with the vaunted "Cap and Trade" bill so he oozes in with an EPA ruling that states that the very air we exhale is now a dangerous pollutant and subject to harsh penalties for its production.

This whole global warming scheme now really has only one goal.

Saving the planet one says..... poppycock... the planet is in no danger. It was here for 4 billion years and the estimate is it will be here for another 5 billion years until the sun expends its fuel and swells to be a red giant and swallows the Earth. End of Story.

Stopping Global climate change another says..... again poppycock... Ice Age #61 will be here no matter what we do. End of Story.

This Copenhagen Conference is about nothing other than inhibiting individual prosperity for all and the United States in particular. The best thing for greater prosperity is cheap energy, whether that is for making steel or growing crops or transportation. The worst thing for prosperity is expensive energy, as this will add significantly to the cost of every thing from the gathering of raw material, manufacturing and transportation. All of the plans put forward add so much to the cost of energy that the economy will not be able to sustain and will eventually collapse entirely. This will be the great death knell of the "evil system of capitalism" that could not meet the "needs of the people"... and that children would be really bad news.

1 comment:

WomanHonorThyself said...

I believe that the climate is changing. The climate has been changing ever since there was well... it!