Monday, December 28, 2009

Just How Many Times, In Obama's Hawaii Press Conference, Did He Use The Words "Terror, Terrorist, or Terrorism"? ... THREE Times

Okay, I just got done catching President Obama's press conference from Hawaii and I decided to count how many times Dear Leader decided to utter those taboo words of "terror", "terrorist" and "terrorism." The final count was three times. 3 times. Three mentions in the entire speech. Oh, by the way, there was NO mention of "islamic" terrorism.

Here was the scorecard:

"Terrorist" - 1 mention

"Terror" - 0 mentions

"Terrorism" - 2 mentions

I would like to note that Obama DID refer to the terrorist on Flight #253 as a "suspect" and as an "individual."

By the way, I'm not sure if you caught it but Obama also referred to the areas of U.S. concentration on thwarting plots as: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia. Hmmm....notice he didn't mention Iraq? Why is that Mr. President? Are you subtley saying that the efforts of the U.S. Army and Marine corps and Air Force and Navy kicked ass so bad in Iraq that they are off the watch list now?

And why didn't Obama mention Nigeria? Didn't this terrorist come from Nigeria? What about Lebanon? Syria? Sudan? Morocco? Saudi Arabia? Egypt? Palestine? Iran?

When the President of the United States of America gets up in front of the people of the country and cannot even call out an attempted terrorist attack for what it really is, it not only will not quell the fears of Americans but further points to the fact that this man simply cannot protect this country from its enemies....or doesn't wish to.

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