Sunday, December 27, 2009

Janet Napolitano Is An Idiot .... Part 2

Most of you have seen the comments by Homeland Security chief princess of stupid, Janet Napolitano, but let's revisit them:

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano did the rounds on the Sunday shows to address the botched Christmas bombing. (Catch up on Wire coverage of the terror attempt here and here.) She stressed the safety of air travel, and repeatedly said in an upbeat tone that "the system worked" and "everything happened that should have." Far from calming travelers, Napolitano's line has rubbed many people the wrong way, giving administration critics something to latch on to. Even on the air, interviewers gave her a tough time.

Okay, am I the only one in the U.S.A. that figures that the ONLY THING THAT HAPPENED THAT SHOULD HAVE is the fact that we were goddamn lucky that a Dutchman had the cojones to stop a terrorist attack in that plane??!!!!

Is that our latest Obama answer to terrorism in hope and pray that a civilian on a plane can make us secure?

The whole thing is as plain as the nose on your face that this administration didn't even have all of their bags unpacked in the White House when they DEMANDED that the words "terrorist" and "terrorism" be removed from the official U.S. vocabulary and with Ft. Hood and this Northwest attack, we are seeing those chickens come home to roost.

This administration, this Leftist cult that is in charge of this country is going to get innocent Americans killed by islamic terrorists. And if you don't believe that, you must be one of them.

From the Atlantic Wire:

Janet Napolitano: 'The System Worked'

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano did the rounds on the Sunday shows to address the botched Christmas bombing. (Catch up on Wire coverage of the terror attempt here and here.) She stressed the safety of air travel, and repeatedly said in an upbeat tone that "the system worked" and "everything happened that should have." Far from calming travelers, Napolitano's line has rubbed many people the wrong way, giving administration critics something to latch on to. Even on the air, interviewers gave her a tough time. See Jake Tapper's tough questioning on ABC News here, and CNN's clip below.

Fire Her, says Jonah Goldberg at the National Review. "That the attack was 'foiled' by a bad detonator and some civilian passengers is proof, she claims, that her agency is doing everything right ... If the White House wants to assure people that it takes the war on terror seriously (a term Robert Gibbs used this morning by the way), they could start by firing this patenly unqualified hack."
'The System' Means Hoping That Bombs Fail to Go Off, Ed Morrissey flays Napolitano at Hot Air. "Is that the actual system we put in place after 9/11? Because if it is, a lot of heads need to roll, starting with the woman who believes that this near-miss represents a validation of the system."
Heroic Passengers Are Not 'The System,' writes T Blumer at Bizzy Blog. "The only thing that 'worked' is Jasper Schuringa, and he's the one person in the whole affair (with an assist from the flight attendants and other passengers) who isn't part of 'the system.'"
It Worked, After It Didn't, says Tommy Christopher at Mediaite. "She prefaced it all by saying 'Once this incident occurred,' which is a lot like bragging about how well Trojans work after your girlfriend is pregnant."


Sharku said...

Actually Holger, we are just lucky the tango screwed up, had that thing gone off as planned the Heroic Dutchman would have been just as dead as everyone else. What he did was heroic but it did not stop the attack, the only thing that stopped it was the detonator. It did however work better than DHS this time.

Henry Bowman said...

As the leftists say, "repeat a lie often enough and it will become true".

God Save the United States......

Holger Awakens said...


Good catch - and you ARE right...the actual failure of the detonation was the reason for no success here.

Thanks for keeping an eye on my details, sir!

:Holger Danske