Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Columbian Air Force Vaporizes Key Marxist FARC Leader and 9 Of His Bodyguards

Okay, a bit of a departure tonight from the savagery of the islamists in the Middle East to announce that good news can be found in the Western hemisphere sometimes too. Columbia's air force today bombed the shit out of a FARC contingent and got themselves a very big prize. From the story at Reuters:

Colombia's air force killed a key Marxist rebel commander and nine of his bodyguards in a bombing raid carried out on Wednesday in the mountainous northwest of the country, Defense Minister Gabriel Silva said.

Ruben Garcia, known as Danilo, head of the ninth front of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), was killed along with his security detail in the attack on their camp near the town of San Roque, Antioquia province.
Good news, eh? Ten less marxist scum inhabiting the Earth ...yup, that's a good day. I'm guessing that Hugo Chavez should be calling this an act of war in approximately 12 more hours.

Colombia kills rebel chieftain and his bodyguards

BOGOTA (Reuters) - Colombia's air force killed a key Marxist rebel commander and nine of his bodyguards in a bombing raid carried out on Wednesday in the mountainous northwest of the country, Defense Minister Gabriel Silva said.

Ruben Garcia, known as Danilo, head of the ninth front of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), was killed along with his security detail in the attack on their camp near the town of San Roque, Antioquia province.
"He was considered one of the toughest and bloodiest heads of this narco-terrorist group," Silva told reporters.
It was the latest blow to the cocaine-financed FARC, which has been weakened by battlefield defeats and record desertions since President Alvaro Uribe first came to power in 2002.
Uribe, whose father was killed in a botched FARC kidnapping in 1983, is seen as a hero by many for pushing the FARC onto the defensive and jump-starting investment in this Andean country long beset by guerrilla war. His policies have been backed by billions of dollars in U.S. military aid.


Sharku said...

Complaints from Chavez in 3...2...1...

Maggie Thornton said...

At least our aid seems to be helping Uribe. FARC is a nasty, nasty group.

Boquisucio said...

For about ten years, I spent a lot of time in Colombia providing backstop support to our efforts there.
Our support effort there runs very deep.

As a result, I have much respect for the Colombian Armed Forces. They are all true professionals in their craft.