Hey Dick "I'llCallYouANazi" Durbin, can you chew gum and walk at the same time? Today, Senator Dick Durbin, communist party member from Illinois, admitted to the world that he and his colleagues cannot do two things at once - the poor Senate just can't tackle the economic issues of this country until they get that pesky healthcare bill passed. Hell, who knows, maybe Durbin is trying to make this a threat to the American people ....get behind our healthcare bill or we won't try and fix the economy.
Here's what Durbin said, from Breitbart:
Here's what Durbin said, from Breitbart:
A leading Democratic senator says the proposed health care overhaul must pass the Senate by the end of the year, so that lawmakers can begin to concentrate on the economy and job creation.
Believe it or not Senator Durbin, American families each day have to handle working 10 hours a day while they pay their bills, feed their kids, attend teacher-parent meetings, go to church, fix the homes they live in and have time to hug their kids. And yet you brainiacs in the U.S. Senate just can't seem to get your head around the nose-diving economy because every wittle ounce of your energy is taken up by the healthcare bill.
By the way Durbin, we, the American people, KNOW you can't fix the economy - you had that chance with the Stimulus Bill and you made it worse, chump.
This is why giving any governmental bureaucrat ANY control over your personal liberty is a disastrous thing.
This is why giving any governmental bureaucrat ANY control over your personal liberty is a disastrous thing.
Durbin says deadline looming for health care bill
WASHINGTON (AP) - A leading Democratic senator says the proposed health care overhaul must pass the Senate by the end of the year, so that lawmakers can begin to concentrate on the economy and job creation.
Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois, the majority whip, says if debate goes into next year, passage of the health care bill becomes more complex.
The Senate agreed on Saturday to begin debate after the Thanksgiving break. A key complication is opposition from moderates who say they will vote against the final bill if it includes a provision for a government insurance option.
On the Republican side, Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas calls the Senate measure "a disaster" for the nation.
The senators spoke Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press."
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