Sunday, November 8, 2009

Screaming Allah Akbar He Killed, Yet The Media Will Not Call It Terrorism!

By Findalis of Monkey in the Middle

We must not call terrorism terrorism. We must find a pseudo-psychiatric cause fot the horror that Major Hasan. Yet Hasan was shouting "Allah Akbar" as he went on his rampage.
The man who pulled the trigger and massacred 13 U.S. army soldiers Thursday and wounded 30 others is the grandson of Arabs from Samaria, a devout Muslim psychiatrist and a U.S. army officer who screamed, “Allah Akbar” (Arabic for Allah is Great) before he fired. The attack ended after he was seriously wounded, and he is in intensive care at an army hospital.

He was identified at Major Nidal Malkik Hasan, whose cousin said became stricter in his devotion to Islam after his mother died nine years ago. The murder at the Fort Hood, Texas base, the largest in the United States, is the worst Muslim-related attack in the country since the 9/11 terrorist attacks in 2001.

An aftershock of the massacre is the revelation that many warning signs were clear before he began his shooting spree, and Texas Senator Bailey Hutchinson said that investigators are examining if "there is something more than just one deranged person” involved in the episode. It is not yet known if Hasan was able to gain possession of his two non-military semi-automatic handguns weapons without outside assistance.

Either Hasan or someone with the same name began posting on websites six months ago that suicide bombers might be characterized as soldiers who save their comrades by throwing themselves over grenades. At approximately the same time, he was transferred from the Walter Reed Army Medical Center to Fort Hood

A classmate of Hasan in a master’s program last year described him as “Muslim first and an American second.” One Islamic extremist website has claimed he was hero who "killed no less than 12 Crusade foreigners” and sowed “terror and chaos in the ranks of the enemy.”

Muslims in the United States immediately expressed fears of a backlash. His grandfather in Al-Bireh, located next to Ramallah in Samaria, told Reuters, "America made him what he is. Whether he became angry or something else, I don't know."

Blogger Robert Salaam, a former U.S. marine who converted to Islam, wrote, “I know that my fellow non-Muslim Americans would love to see me leave my country. I wonder where they would like me to go.”

Hasan's brother, who was visiting the United States, hastily returned to his Al-Bireh home after the murders.
I would love to see Robert Salaam go to any one of the 57 Islamic nations in this world. He could live very comfortable there. I would willingly help to pay for his one-way ticket.

The truth is that we cannot call this Islamic Terrorism. Hell we cannot call it Islamic anything. That is forbidden by Homeland Security. This was a "Man-caused Disaster". So
much so that the Main Stream Media is following suit:

Larry King - Anger at idea Islamist ideology was a possible motivation in Ft. Hood attack

CNN - Larry King Live - November 5th, day of Ft. Hood Attack - Dr. Phil & Shoshana Johnson accuse JAG officer of being dangerously "ignorant" for his well articulated argument that the Islamist ideology was appearing more probable as a main component of Major Hasan's motivation for the shooting.
Notice how they all fall into line that one MUST NOT INSULT THE MUSLIMS.

Yet they can attack us all they want. Can curse us. Can abuse our freedoms. And nothing can be said or done.

There is even talk of the death penalty, but knowing the MSM and the ACLU, I doubt that Hasan will even be brought to trial.

Why bother? The way Barack Hussein Obama has been appeasing and ass kissing licking to the Muslims, Hasan should be awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor (for such a heroic act), given an Honorable Discharge, and reparations for wrongful imprisonment and being wounded (a Purple Heart for that) of a few million dollars. An then the Muslim Community won't rise up though out the world screaming: "Allah Akbar!"

Our President In Action!

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