Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Holger Asks Why #9: Terror In America

Holger Asks Why...

If the use of torture on islamic terrorists is supposed to increase jihadist recruiting and terror attacks on America, then why is it that 2,998 American civilians died on 9/11/01 due to an islamic terror attack when not a single case of American torture or abuse of a single islamic terrorist had occured up to that point ...but since the time of alleged abuse and torture at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay, less than a handfull of U.S. civilians have been killed by islamic terrorists?


Maggie Thornton said...

Excellent question, Holger. Could the answer be that these people just want to kill us. They want to dominate and in order to do that, they must get rid of American and Britain?

The use of torture, as an excuse, is just a guilt trip, maybe? They've found a new way to fight a war. Just guilt-trip westerners until they give up.

Maggie Thornton said...

Lysol, not that I was asked, but I'll weigh in here at our friends place: It all comes back to the definition of "torture." The way we got info from KSM is not torture in the traditional sense. These people are animals and much was at stake, and still is.

They don't care if they die, and we are mericiful enough not kill them. Some water in the nose when info is desperately needed - no big deal. I hope he thought he was going to die. A few dogs in area, no big deal, some underwear on their heads, and as shameful as that was, it still is not a big deal - other than those at Abu Ghraib needed to be ousted with dishonorable discharges.

We don't know that intelligence under duress is worthless. John McCain broke and he didn't lie. God bless him for his years. He did all he could do, but he didn't lie.

It's like saying the death penalty for murders doesn't lessen murders. Of course, it does.

I want our intelligence to get all they can get out of these heathens, if they can't take them out on the battlefield. I see this as modern warfare, and it is us against them.

Lysol said...

Maggie: A decent interrogator can get all the info they need in 1 session.

A torture session produces whatever the interrogator wants to hear. Most of us would eventually say anything to stop the torture. It's an extremely weak method and does more harm than good when trying to gather intelligence and protect our country.

Maggie Thornton said...

Lysol, I understand your point. Still yet, KSM didn't give up the info until he was waterboarded. These people do not care whether they live or die.

I'm not for torture...unless there is no other way to learn what must desperately be known. And again, I don't think waterboarding is torture. I think it must be terrible to go through, and perhaps it is mental torture, but that's okay with me.

Holger Awakens said...


As always, I LOVE the way you think!


I appreciate your thoughts and many think as you do and I know how adamantly you fight the terrorists, but I look at it this way: as Maggie said, these are not humans...they are minions of Satan. They are evil incarnate. These are creatures who kill innocent children and women like you and me might step on an ant. They are afforded no considerations upon capture - they where no uniform, they follow no human leader.

I view it this way...if I caught a man in my home that had raped, sodomized and killed my family...he would be tortured by me. These terrorists represent that evil all in one. Their sole purpose in life is to destroy and disfigure life.

An eye for an eye....

:Holger Danske